The letter that led to the conviction of self-proclaimed godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim, Dera Sacha Sauda head was written more than 15 years ago but the pain and suffering that has been expressed in the piece of paper express the trauma the sadhavi’s underwent while serving the wolf in sheep’s clothing!
Here is the translation of the anonymous letter written in 2002 to the then Prime Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee that ended the clout of the flamboyant and powerful dera head of dera Saca Sauda.
The addressee of the anonymous letter
Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee,
Prime Minister
New Delhi
The sender of the letter that ended dera chief’s flamboyant regime
I am a girl hailing from Punjab State and for the last five years, I have been serving as a ‘Sadhwi’ in ‘Dera Sacha Sauda’, Sirsa (Haryana). Alike me, there are hundreds of others girl here in the dera, who serve for 16-18 hours daily in the name of Sewa.
The complaint that shocked the world
In the name of sewa, we are sexually exploited here by Gurmeet Singh the ‘Dera Maharaj’. He rapes the girls in the ‘dera’. I am a graduate but became a ‘Sadhwi’ because of my family’s blind faith in the ‘Maharaj’ (Gurmeet Singh). After spending two years in the dera as a ‘Sadhwi’, one night a special woman-disciple of the ‘Maharaj’ came to me at 10′ o’clock and told me that Maharaj had summoned me to his room. I felt happy that Maharaj has himself sent for me.
It was my first such experience and I was elated as I was going to Maharaj Gurmeet Singh for the first time. The moment I entered into his room, to my shock, I saw him holding a remote in his hand and watching a blue film on the TV. There was a revolver beside his pillow on the bed. Seeing all this, I got frightened and became nervous at the same time. I had never in my dreams imagined that ‘Maharaj Gurmeet Singh’ was a man of this type. He turned off the TV and seated me beside him. He offered me water and said that he had called me because he considered me very close to him. This was my first experience.
There was a revolver beside his pillow on the bed. Seeing all this, I got frightened and became nervous at the same time. I had never in my dreams imagined that ‘Maharaj Gurmeet Singh’ was a man of this type. He turned off the TV and seated me beside him on his bed. It was awkward as it was my first experience but more than a shock it was a nightmare for me. After offering me water he said that he had called me because he considered me very close to him.
Sadhvi’s dream turned into nightmare
The sadhavi also revealed in the letter that Maharaj took her in his embrace and told her that he loved her from the core of his heart. She mentioned, ‘Mahraj’ said that he wanted to make love with me. He told me that I had dedicated my wealth, soul and body to him at the time of becoming his disciple and that he had accepted my offering.
When I objected to his demand, he said, “Undoubtedly I am God.” When the sadhavi asked him if God also indulges in such acts, Ram Rahim shot back saying, “Sri Krishna was a God and he had 360 ‘gopis’ with whom he enacted ‘Prem lila’ (love drama). Despite his prem lilas people regarded him as God, so, there is nothing to be surprised if we also get indulged in such activity.
The tearful request to be saved
In a long letter written to the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee the concluding para brings to the forefront the devilish side of the so-called baba. The sadhavi concluded that she has death threat and can’t disclose her name.
She wrote, “If I reveal my name, me and my family will be slayed. I cannot bear all this harassment and tension and my sole purpose to reveal this truth is for the benefit of the common man. My life is in danger.
If a probe is carried out either by the press or by some government agency, I can assure 40 to 50 girls who live in the ‘dera’ will come forward to reveal the bitter truth behind these walls. We are willing to undergo any medical examination to find out whether we are still celibate disciples or not? If we are no longer virgins, the authorities should go further to find out who has violated our chastity.
The only truth that will come out will be that Maharaj Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the head of dera ‘Sacha Sauda’ has ruined our lives.
Yours faithfully,
An innocent forced to live life in a hell
(Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa)
It is good to follow a guru to find the ultimate truth of life, but this incident unearthed the fact that one should always keep his ears and eyes open while carrying forward their voyage toward soul enlightenment and never follow someone blindly.
Source: Economic Times