LG has launched its new smartphone LG Q6 in India today. The biggest highlight of newly launched LG Q6 is its full vision display and 3GB RAM. The phone is Amazon Exclusive and will be available in 3 colors – Astro Black, Terra Gold, and Ice Platinum. The price of LG Q6 is Rs. 14,990.
LG Q6 Smartphone Launch Offers
There are many offers available on LG Q6. These offers on LG Q6 includes Exchange Offer and Cashback offer. As Amazon is currently running Amazon Great Indian Sale so SBI card holders will get 15 percent cash back if they buy LG Q6 through the app and will get 10 percent cash back if they buy the smartphone from the website. Under the exchange offer, buyers can get up to 13,300 discount on LG Q6.
LG Q6 Specifications
Display of LG Q6 – The phone comes with 5.5-inch full vision display. The aspect ratio of the display is 18:9 and the resolution of the phone are 1080×2160 pixels.
Processor and Android Version of LG Q6 – The new phone of LG is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 435 SoC processor. The phone runs on latest Android Nougat 7.1.1 operating system.
RAM and Storage of LG Q6 – The phone comes with 3GB of RAM. In India, only 3GB RAM variant is launched. Talking about the internal storage of the phone, it comes with 32GB of inbuilt storage. However, you can expand the internal storage to up to 1TB via microSD card.
Camera Specs of LG Q6 – Now to the optics, LG G6 comes with the 13-megapixel rear camera. There is no dual camera in the phone. There is a 5-megapixel camera on the front for selfies and video calling.
Battery & Connectivity Options of LG Q6 – The phone is fueled by a 3000mAh battery. Connectivity options of LG Q6 include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.2, and NFC.
Apart from full vision display, there is nothing so special in the phone and LG Q6 will get a tough competition from Lenovo K8 Note which is launched today in India. If we compare Lenovo K8 Note and LG Q6, K8 note is far better than LG Q6. K8 Note comes with the dual rear camera, 3GB/4GB RAM, 4000mAh battery. So it will be interesting to see the competition between the K8 Note and LG Q6.
Source – News 18