Liquor Prices in Chandigarh are expected to increase in the coming months as the UT Administration looks to announce its new excise policy. This comes as a surprise since the prices were increased by up to 12% just last year. Liquor Prices in Punjab and Haryana have always been higher than that of Chandigarh as the Administration believes that it eliminates the problem of liquor smuggling across the states. However, the Punjab Administration has slashed the prices by a huge margin owing to the same problem from Chandigarh. The prices of liquor in Chandigarh are to be increased from this financial year but will still be lower than that of Punjab and Haryana.
Chandigarh Liquor Prices To Be Increased By 10-12%
Although the liquor prices in Chandigarh were increased last year by 10%, another hike of 12% is expected to be followed this financial year. Sources reveal that the excise duty on Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) brands and country liquor will also be increased. Some brands will see a hike of 10% where as some are expected to be brought under the 12% slab. This means that the prices of liquor in Chandigarh may come on par with the other cities of Punjab and Haryana. However, a source has revealed that the likelihood of that happening is low and the prices will continue to remain lower in Chandigarh.
The Chandigarh Administration is also looking to make better profits from the liquor trade which earned them 2,000 Crores in vends auction alone. If the 10-12% hike is implemented expect to pay up to 60 Rupees more on popular brands like Blenders Pride and Rockford. Along with an increase in prices of liquor in Chandigarh, the number of vends has also been increased since there is no ban on sale of liquor on highway areas under the Municipal Corporations.
Unlike Chandigarh, The Punjab Administration Has Reduced The Prices Of Liquor
The Chandigarh Liquor Prices might be set to increase but the Punjab Administration has announced a huge reduction on liquor prices this year. The prices of liquor had always been substantially higher in Punjab than in Chandigarh which escalated to almost double the prices in some cases. If Prices of Whiskey in Chandigarh for an affordable brand were 550, the same bottle sold for as much as 670 rupees in Ludhiana. The difference became substantially higher in cases of more premium brands where the prices in Chandigarh were 2900 rupees as opposed to 4300 in Jalandhar.
Punjab Administration keeping in line with beer prices in Chandigarh has reduced the prices of beer by up to 40 rupees per bottle. If you fancy country made liquor then a bottle of the same will now cost 50 Rupees lesser than before. The biggest difference however can be seen in medium priced IMFL brands which will now be cheaper by up to 100 Rupees or more in some cases. On the other hand, the prices of the most popular brand in this category Blenders Pride in Chandigarh was 550 Rupees last year which has now increased to as much as 670 Rupees.