Laung Laachi movie starring Neeru Bajwa & Ammy Virk has come up with new song tilted Logo muchh de on youtube & mp3. The latest Punjabi song Logo muchh de featured in Laung Laachi has been voiced by Amrit Maan & Mannat Noor. And the newly released song from Neeru Bajwa & Ammy Virk’s new Punjabi movie has been dancing number with great music & video. Also, the track logo muchh de by Amrit Maan has been available for download from various websites.
The debut movie of director Amberdeep Singh, Laung Laachi also features Amrit Maan & Veet Baljit as actors. And the newly released track logo muchh de by Amrit Maan will make you tap your feet on the beats. Scroll down & enjoy the official video of Laung Laachi’s song Logo muchh de official video below.
Laung Laachi’s New Punjabi song Logo Muchh de by Amrit Maan
Official video of Punjabi movie Laung Laachi’s latest song Logo muchh de has shot on Neeru Bajwa & Amrit Maan. Picturised in the desi style, it shows amazing bhagra & gidda moves performed by the artists in the amazing locations of Punjab with tractors & jeeps. Watch out the official video of Logo muchh de song from Laung laachi movie below.
Singer: Amrit Maan & Mannat Noor
Music: Gurmeet Singh
Lyrics: Ravi Raj
Director: Amberdeep Singh
Release date: 9th March 2018
Ravi Raj has penned the meaningful lyrics of Logo muchh de song featured in Punjabi movie Laung Laachi & its like- hawa aaun de tu jatta muchh mod na begi paan di na dukkiyan nu jod na, jehde bande stud sun makhna mere baithne nu baar baar puchhde, laaye 150 de 3 jyon jogeya mull bikde bazari logo teri muchh de (2), logo bande aa sadda hi brand de, bas chhedna rakane hun rehn de (2). Gurmeet has composed the music of the same under the banner of T-Series Apna Punjab.
Official Video Neeru Bajwa’s Laung Laachi movie song Logo muchh de
One more dancing number from new Punjabi movie Laung Laachi titled as Logo muchh de has been out on youtube. Click on the below-mentioned play button & enjoy latest Punjabi track Logo muchh de from Laung Laachi movie starring Neeru Bajwa, Ammy Virk & Amberdeep Singh.
With the great blend of music & masti, Laung Laachi’s newly released song logo muchh de by Amrit Maan will surely be the new bhangra & gidda anthem during the wedding. And the movie starring Neeru Bajwa, Ammy Virk & Amberdeep Singh will be released on March 9, 2018.