m-Aadhaar, that is Mobile Aadhaar card can now be used as an identity proof while entering the Airport. According to the latest updates, India is trying to bring a revolutionary Digital change in all the departments. Included among those changes is the change of requirement while entry to the Airport. Earlier, it was essential that one carry his/her Aadhar card or any sort of Identity proof while entering the Airport.
m-Adhaar Can do For Entering the Airport
As per the sources, in the circular released by the aviation security agency that is BCAS now, you can simply use your m-Aadhaar card as an identity proof on the gates of an Airport in India. Also, in the same circular, the notification has been passed that there will no need for document verification for the minors who are accompanied by their parents.
As per the security norms issued by the BCAS that is Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, the passengers have to carry any one of the 10 identity proofs while entering the airport. These identity proofs include the passport, voter ID card, Aadhaar card or m-Adhaar card, Driving license and PAN.
These new norms of the BCAS are issued with the aim of avoiding any argument or controversy with the security staff. According to the new norms of the security by BCAS, passengers are required to carry the identity documents shall be carried in the original. This circular was issued on 26th October 2017.
Identity Proves Accepted by BCAS for entering the Airport Includes
There are many options of identity proofs that are included in the list of required ID proofs by BCAS. It includes Driver License, Adhaar Card, m-Aadhaar, PAN, Voter Card ID, Passport, Passbook issued by the national bank, pension cards, service photo ID issued by the central or state government.
These are some of the documents that are considered as the ID proofs that are included by BCAS as a requirement to enter the Airport. All the Passengers must carry either one of the ID proof and the good news is that now you can also use your m-Aadhaar Card as ID proof to enter the Airports in India.