Mahindra has recently launched the XUV500 petrol variant in India. The new XUV 500 petrol variant is made available with a six speed Automatic transmission and comes in a single trim. The G variant of Mahindra XUV 500 is launched at an ex-showroom price of Rs.15.49 lakh in Delhi. Mahindra XUV500 G AT will target those customers who want a premium SUV in petrol option.
Mahindra XUV 500 has already been a trendsetter in the SUV segment with a set of high tech features and great value proposition. It is a great option for those who want a premium SUV in petrol option. The Mahindra XUV500 G AT variant is designed to deliver great performance synonymous with the existing XUV500.
Mahindra XUV 500 Petrol Engine Specifications
The All new Mahindra XUV 500 petrol variant is powered by a 2.2 L petrol engine mated to a six speed gearbox, that produces a peak power of 140 hp and peak torque of 320 Nm. The Mahindra XUV 500 petrol also has a mode for manual transmission. The new petrol engine has been sourced and imported from AISIN Japan. Mahindra has introduced the new 2.2 petrol engine in its mHawk engine family. However, the petrol engine shares the same specifications as the existing XUV 500 diesel engine.
What’s New in Mahindra XUV 500 Petrol?
The Mahindra XUV 500 petrol variant looks similar to the diesel variant in terms of design and styling, except the badging. The new petrol variant is featured with static bending headlights with intelligent light sensing technology, DRLs (Daytime Running Lights), logo projection lamps and rain sensing wipers.
The interior of Mahindra XUV 500 is featured with cruise control, fully automatic climate control, push button start, a 7 inch infotainment system, and 8 way adjustable driver seat. The 7 inch infotainment system has multiple connectivity features and supports Android Auto. In the safety features, the SUV comprise of ABS (Antilock Braking System) with EBD, Dual Airbags, Passive keyless entry and tyre pressure monitoring system.
The premium XUV500 petrol is expected to lock horns with rivals like Hyundai Creta and Jeep Compass that are available in petrol variants. Based on the response received for XUV500 Petrol, Mahindra will introduce the petrol variant of Scorpio.