Mahindra will launch a new version of its flagship offering Mahindra XUV 500 in 2018. The new Mahindra XUV 500 has been spotted testing on Indian roads. Multiple updates were seen on the upcoming version of Mahindra’s premium SUV. The new SUV was seen covered with heavy camouflage but some of the updates were seen on the vehicle.
Mahindra XUV is the flag offering of the company designed for customers who want a premium SUV that is suitable for touring as well as city driving. Mahindra offered to its customers a combination of style, power, luxury and comfort in XUV 500. The SUV received facelift two years ago in 2015. Now more updates will be seen on the 2018 model of Mahindra XUV 500.
2018 Mahindra XUV 500 Features
On the front looks new headlamps and a redesigned front grille was seen on the updated version of SUV. The updated headlamps were seen with double barrel projector lights and a new LED strip. The new LED Daytime Running Light strip was seen under the headlamps. The front grille and bumper is also expected to be completely updated by the company. The interiors and cabin may remain almost similar to the existing model with minor changes and updated features.
Vertically stacked tail lamps and rear parking camera were seen on the rear side of the SUV. The back side seems to be similar to the existing model except the rear bumper which seems to be updated as not clearly seen under the camouflage. The tailgate of the SUV also seems to be redesigned as seen on the updated version. Moreover, regarding the side view, updated claddings and a new set of alloy wheels were seen on the 2018 Mahindra XUV 500.
Mahindra XUV 500 Engine Specifications
The new Mahindra XUV 500 will come with the same 2.2 litre diesel engine that is expected to churn out more power and torque. The petrol variant may also come with the same engine as in the existing petrol model producing same power and torque. The engine is mated to a 6 speed transmission gearbox both in petrol and diesel options. The 2018 Mahindra XUV 500 might come in both the manual and automatic transmission variants.