Maruti Suzuki has launched the Celerio X, the crossover version of Celerio hatchback at a price of Rs.4.57 lakhs (Ex-showroom Price, Delhi). Maruti Suzuki Celerio X is a much bolder and sportier version of the standard Celerio. Maruti Celerio has offered Automatic Transmission gear shifts in all of its variants. It is the Maruti’s first car to offer auto gears in all variants. Earlier Maruti launched the new version of its compact car Celerio hatchback with refreshed interiors and a new front look. Maruti has sold more than 3 lakh units of Celerio hatchback in the Indian market. Maruti Suzuki has launched the Celerio X in eight variants.
Maruti Suzuki Celerio X features
Celerio X is featured with X theme based front grille giving it a sporty front look. Also, the blacked out B pillar with side and rear body cladding adds to the sporty design. The front grille, the side cladding, and rear bumper are offered in black color. The new Celerio X is offered in a new orange colour shade on the exterior. The interior of the car has also been furnished with new colors. Moreover, the fog garnish, roof garnish, and protective cladding add to the belligerent styling. The ABS and Airbags are offered as an option across all variants.
Maruti Suzuki Celerio X Engine Specifications
Maruti Celerio X is powered by the same 1.0 L (998cc) 3 cylinder K10B petrol engine that produces a power of 67 bhp at 6000 rpm and 90 Nm of torque at 3500 rpm. The 1.0L petrol engine is mated to a five-speed transmission gearbox. All the variants of Celerio X come in both manual and automatic transmission.
Maruti Suzuki Celerio X Price and Colours
Suzuki Celerio X is priced at an introductory price of 4.57 lakhs which goes up to Rs.5.42 lakhs. The base model Celerio X Vxi is priced at 4.57 lakhs and the top model Zxi (O) AMT is priced at Rs.5.42 lakhs. All the prices mentioned here are the Ex-showroom prices in Delhi. Celerio X comes in Paprika Orange, Arctic White, Caffeine Brown, Glistening Grey, and Torque Blue colors.
Celerio has successfully made a unique position in the market of compact car segment. Keeping in view the success of standard Celerio and changing taste of young customers, Maruti has given the car a bold, stylish and sporty look. Maruti is much confident that Celerio X will enhance its brand image among the customers.