MPTET Exam 2018 Last Date Extended Again For Online Applications | Check New Dates Here

MPTET Exam 2018: The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has once again extended the last date to fill and submit the application form for the Madhya Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test 2018 (MPTET 2018). The date is extended for the Senior Secondary Teacher Posts. All those candidates who want to fill application form can do it now. Here are the details regarding the new last date for the exam.

MPTET Exam 2018 For Senior Secondary Teacher – New Last Date

Now, the last date to fill the application form is 20th October. The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has released the notice regarding the extension of dates on 5th October. Earlier the last date to apply and fill the application form was 5th October, Now, MPPEB has given 15 more days to candidates to fill the application form.

As per the official notification, the actual last date to fill the application form for the MPTET exam for teacher posts was 25th September. But the MPPEB extended the last date to 5th October. On 5th October, the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board once again extended the last date to 20th October. To recall, the process of filling the application form was started on 11th September 2018.

MPPEB TET Exam 2018 – Other Details

There are total 17000 vacancies available for the candidates for the post of the Senior Secondary teacher under the MPPEB Recruitment 2018. The minimum age limit to apply for these posts is 21 years for male candidates and 21 years for female candidates. The upper age limit is 40 years for male candidates and 45 years for female candidates.

The application fee is Rs 570 for General Category candidates and Other State candidates. The candidates of reserved categories of Madhya Pradesh will have to pay Rs 320 as application fee. The correction charges for the form are Rs 70.

The candidates applying for the post of teacher will be selected on the basis of the written exam which is scheduled to be held on 29th December. The timings for the exam are 9 am to 11:30 for the morning shift and 2 pm to 4:30 pm for the evening shift.



A believer in 'less talk and more work', Sushant is a geek and gadget freak. A content analyst, strategist, graphic designer and a blogger. To follow his posts and stay updated, you can reach him at
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