Punjab Government has finally taken the decision to put a complete ban on the screening of Dera Sacha Sauda Chief – Gurmeet Ram Rahim’s upcoming movie Messenger of God (MSG ). The announcement came on Saturday, 17th Jan 2014. Earlier the movie was scheduled to be released on Friday, 16th Jan 2015 nut due to high drama and protests in Punjab, Haryana as well as New Delhi, the release of the movie was postponed to 23rd Jan, 2015.
MSG has been banned in Punjab due to the ongoing protests by various groups. It is feared that the release of movie might cause a tense situation in Punjab. To avoid such situation, Punjab Government has put a total ban on the movie in the state.
What Gurmeet Ram Rahim says
The movie is said to feature the Dera Chief in the lead role. However Gurmeet Ram Rahim has said taht protesters should watch the movie before protesting against the movie. He claims that the movie will not be offensive or objectionable to any religion.
Social media is full of updates about the movie MSG. The dera chief is said to have 50 million followers. Many of his followers have changed their profile picture with the Ram Rahim’s pic along with the text #ISupportMSG. While others are criticizing the movie.
Although Punjab has put a complete ban on the screening of MSG, no such announcement has come from any other state yet. Protesters recently interfered in a screening function which was to be held at Gurgaon on Saturday. Now the screening of the movie has also been postponed to Sunday.