Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has released an official notification and invited applications from the eligible candidates for the post of Principal, PGT and other posts. The candidates who are looking for a career in the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) can check the official notification for the details regarding the eligibility criteria and other. The form filling process has started online on the official website. Here are the details regarding the NVS Recruitment 2019 for various posts.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Recruitment 2019
The online application form filling process for Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) various posts has started on the official website on 15th January 2019. The candidates can fill the registration form online till 14th February 2019 and after that, the link for the registration will be closed. The NVS will release the admit cards for the exam in the month of March. The tentative dates for the admit card download is from 10th March 2019 and the written test will be held in the last week of March.
According to the official notification released by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) for the various posts recruitment, there are total 251 vacancies. For the PGT (Post Graduate Teacher) post, there are total 218 vacancies. These vacancies are for the Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Economics, Geography, Hindi, History, Maths, IT and Physics subject. For the Computer Operator post, there are 3 vacancies, 2 vacancies for the Assistant post, 3 vacancies for the Assistant Commissioner post and 25 vacancies for the Principal post.
For the post of PGT Biology, there are total 16 vacancies. For the post of PGT Chemistry, there are total 25 vacancies. For the post of PGT Commerce, there are 21 vacancies. For the post of PGT Economics, there are 37 vacancies. For the post of PGT Geography, there are vacancies. For the post of PGT Hindi, there are 11 vacancies. For the post of PGT History, there are 21 vacancies. For the post of PGT Maths, there are 17 vacancies. For the post of PGT Physics, there are total 34 vacancies and for the PGT IT, there are 11 vacancies in NVS.
At the time of filling the application form for the various posts in NVS, candidates will have to pay the examination fee online through the prescribed link in the online application. As there are multiple posts, the examination fee for each post is different. Fro the post of Principal, the application fee is Rs 1500, Rs 1500 for the Assistant Commissioner post, Rs 1000 for the PGT, Rs 800 for the Assistant and Computer Operator post. There is no application fee for the SC/ST/PH category candidates. The female candidates are also exempted from application fee.