NCERT Books to Be a Part of Govt School Syllabus From Class 1 to 5

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) books now to be taught in Government Schools as well from session 2019-20. Recently UP board has introduced NCERT books as a part of their syllabus from the new session in 2018. Now, the same decision has been taken by the School Board of Himachal as well.

Recently it has been reported that Himachal Pradesh Government is going to implement National Council of Educational Research and Training Books in the Schools from session 2019-20. Here are the changes and reason for the implementation of NCERT books as a part of HP Govt Schools syllabus from upcoming session.

NCERT Books to be a Part of HP Govt School Syllabus 2019-20 Session

Himachal Government is all set to introduce NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) books in the Schools from Class 1 to 5 for the upcoming session. Now it has been for sure, that students of HP Govt schools from Class 1 to 5 will now grab knowledge from NCERT books that have been followed by most of the Boards.

As of now, HP Board Schools use to follow SCERT Books (State Council of Educational Research and Training) from Class 1 to 12. Although the State Government wanted to implement NCERT books in the syllabus from session 2018 only. But the Education Board of HP State refused to do so by giving an explanation of the loss of Rs. 2.50 crore, as the SCERT stock will get hampered.

Here’s the reason to implement NCERT Books from Class 1 to 5

Although the decision taken by the Himachal Government is not sudden, but this was on the edge only. As many teachers and parents have complaints regarding the quality of education provided in the SCERT books in the state. Whereas from past many years most of the parents and teachers were asking to change the syllabus and books to be taught in the Government Schools.

Although NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) in the HP Govt Schools will be implemented for only Class 1 to Class 5 students from 2019-20 session. Whereas Class 6 to 12 students will have to continue with SCERT books only as a part of their syllabus. It is for the first time that HP Govt Schools students to get National Council of Educational Research and Training Syllabus.



Gurjit Kaur

Gurjit Kaur is a young and vibrant writer, who is passionate about media. Having done her MBA in media management, Gurjit loves to weave words in simple yet an elegant form. Her love for Chandigarh and the belief that "content is king" makes her an author on Chandigarh Metro. You may reach Gurjit at
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