NEET 2018 Exam Pattern & Syllabus Update | CBSE Revises Exam Conduct Code, Check Amendments

CBSE revises NEET (UG) 2018 exam conduct code in setting same question paper for all regional languages & exam syllabus at online.

CBSE NEET (UG) 2018 exam pattern and syllabus update has been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education as a conducting and regulating authority of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Examination this year. Introducing revised conduct code wherein last years’ discrepancy of polarity induced in the question paper sets of different languages as per the issues raised by the candidates who took NEET 2017, the CBSE board has now iterated the students and the apex court (Supreme Court) about its changed and revised code of conduct of this years’ NEET 2018 exam. Directly implying that the same question paper set shall be made by the CBSE for all the vernacular languages this year, candidates are requested to check the details of the same herein.

CBSE Releases NEET 2018 Exam Pattern & Conduct Update | Check Major Amendments Here

In order to do away with issues that engulfed the NEET 2017 exam conduct and result declaration which was delayed by the CBSE due to appeal of students over variable intensity of questions available in different regional languages barring them uniformity in code of conduct of the test, education board this year launched a system wherein same question paper set shall be made for NEET 2018 aspirants throughout the nation. Good News for the candidates burning midnight oil for NEET 2018 (UG) exam preparation as same set shall be available for all the students appearing in any languages as the test is conducted in over 10 such vernacular languages at a pan India level.

Moreover, this shall ensure better evaluation policy and fair conduct means with justified result declaration on time as all students competing against each other to gain medical seats in BDS and MBBS courses in academic year commencing from 2018 on to have equal opportunity. Details pertaining to the revised conduct code of NEET 2018 exam are available online.

CBSE NEET (UG) 2018 Exam Syllabus Update Available Online | Know More

NEET 2018 exam notification is the most sought after and highly awaited CBSE notification this year which was initially expected to be out by January 31,2018 with no official update on it yet, it is likely to be released soon. Although, an official write-up declaring the NEET 2018 exam syllabus has been available on the official website since last week for the aspirants to carry out their exam preparation in an efficient manner. Amidst all the rumours of including the state board’s syllabus in the NEET 2018 exam question paper to have contributions from them as well apart from CBSE board, the education board has shunned all these rumours by declaring the NEET 2018 exam syllabus to be exactly the same as that of previous years’.

Candidates can check the NEET 2018 exam syllabus details here. The detailed application form shall soon be available for CBSE NEET (UG) 2018 exam aspirants. We wish them all the best ! For updates pertaining to the test, keep a tab on official website link of which has been mentioned below.



Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at
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