After the launch of the next Gen Maruti Dzire, Maruti Suzuki has been working on the next Gen Maruti Swift. With the staggering response of people towards the next-gen Maruti Dzire, the sources have been continuously updating the news of the upcoming model of new Swift by next year. The Next-Gen Maruti Dzire crossed the 1 Lakh booking in the record-breaking time duration. As per the renowned sources and media reports Maruti Suzuki Swift is up in the line for its launch in 2018.
Maruti Suzuki to Launch The Next-Gen Maruti Swift in 2018 Auto Expo
After the great success of the next-gen Maruti Dziire, Maruti is all set to launch its new next-gen model of Maruti Suzuki Swift at the 2018 Auto Expo scheduled for February. This model is expected to be the advanced and ravishing model of Maruti Suzuki. With the number of goodies and gizmos, the new Maruti Suzuki Swift is expected to be a great sensation next year.
It has been observed that the news has it that the new models of the Maruti Swift and Dzire are going to possess some of the mind-boggling features to beat the competition. Where the new Maruti Suzuki Swift has the redesigned front bumper there on sides, the Maruti Suzuki Swift sustains the mini cooper-esque roofline.
The new Maruti Suzuki Dzire gets the dual-tone color treatment including the black and beige and the upcoming Maruti Suzuki Swift model is going to be featuring the all-black interior. According to the sources, the new-gen Swift will be available in both petrol and diesel variants, The new Maruti Suzuki Swift is going to be designed with 1.2 litre petrol and 1.3 litre diesel engines. According to the current press release, the new models are going to be built on the lighter HEARTECT platform. The new Maruti Suzuki Swift is going to weigh around 50 Kg that is way less than the present car.
So, according to the latest news and updates, the Maruti Suzuki is going to design the next-gen Maruti Suzuki Swift, that is going to launch next year during the 2018 Auto Expo in February. After the great success of the Next-Gen Maruti Dzire, Maruti Suzuki is expecting a good response from the next-gen Maruti Swift.
Source – CarDekho