HMD Global has launched the Nokia 1 smartphone in India. Nokia 1 is the first smartphone of the company that comes with Android 8.1 Oreo (Go edition). The phone is now available for purchase in India. To recall, the phone was introduced at the MWC 2018 which held at Barcelona in February 2018. The biggest feature of the phone is the Android Oreo Go Edition operating system that delivers an optimised experience. This operating system comes with a lightweight version of the apps and services.
Nokia 1 Price in India & Launch Offers
The Nokia 1 Price in India is set as Rs.5,499. the smartphone is available for purchase via all mobile phone outlets. The new Android Oreo Go Edition smartphone, Nokia 1 is launched in Warm Red and Dark Blue colors in India. The company has also launched the Xpress On Covers and are priced at Rs.450.
The smartphone also comes with Reliance Jio Cashback offer worth Rs.2200. This cashback amount makes the effective price of the phone to Rs.3,299. Jio users will also get extra 60GB data on this phone. Apart from this, users will also get 12 months accidental warranty by Servify if they open their Kotak 811 savings account.
Specifications of Nokia 1
Coming to the specifications of the phone, the new phone of Nokia comes with a 4.5-inches FWVGA display. The resolution of the display is 480×854 pixels. Nokia 1 is powered by a 1.1GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737M processor and runs on Android Oreo 8.1 OS (Go Edition). The smartphone has a 1GB RAM and the internal storage of the phone is 8GB. Users can expand the internal storage of the phone up to 128GB via microSD card.
Moving to the camera of the phone, Nokia 1 has a 5-megapixel camera at the back to click photos and for shooting videos. The rear camera of the phone comes with LED flash. For selfies and video calling, the phone has a 2MP camera on the front. The phone is a dual sim phone and supports Nano Sim cards. The phone gets its power from a 2150mAh battery. Connectivity options on the phone include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS, and Micro-USB.