Indian Railways has been planning to bypass Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRB) with contractual hiring for various posts from 2018 onwards. RRB has been the forcing body for the recruitment of candidates in any post in the Indian Railways. Now the Indian Railways has been moving forward with the recruitment process, where there will be no need of the RRB form 2018 onwards.
Railway Recruitment Control Board recently grabbed for the scrutiny of 2.30 Crore applications for 90,000 vacancies under the Indian Railways. To reduce the reduce the time-consuming process for the recruitment purpose, Indian Railways has opted for the alternate options to be adopted from 2018 onwards.
RRB Recruitment 2018: Now Indian Railways to hire on Contractual Basis
Railway Recruitment Board every year rolls out lakhs and lakhs of vacancies to be filled in Indian Railways. But due to the shortage of time and the huge number of applications, RRB fails to fill up the post on time. In an amid, Indian Railways has now opted to hire people on a contractual basis in certain categories to make it lil bit easier for the RRB to fill the vacancies on time.
The biggest monopoly example in India, Indian Railways has been going through shortage of manpower and has been planning to fill it as soon as possible. Although the Railway Recruitment Control Board takes time for the scrutiny, Indian Railways planning for the engagement of contractual workers for the same in some departments.
Even Retired Indian Railways Staff to be back on Work
Along with the Contractual engagement regarding the recruitment in various categories, Indian Railways has also been planning to engage their retired employees for reviving and preserving the heritage properties of the Railways like Vintage coaches & signals, Steam locomotives and much more. As per the Indian Railways Officials, the retired people are skilled enough to handle these ancient pieces of equipment, so they can be re-hired by the Indian Railways and (Railway Recruitment Control Board) on a contractual basis.
Although the upper age limit for the retired person of the Indian Railways must be 65 years. As of now 2.30 Crore candidates are still waiting for the Group C & D exam dates under the RRB Recruitment process 2018.