Oppo F7 Was finally launched in India. The phone is launched in an event at Mumbai. This time Oppo has launched the Oppo F7 with the recent trend which is popularised by the iPhone X that includes a notch on the top of the display. The biggest highlight of the smartphone is 19:9 aspect ratio of the screen, a massive 25MP selfie camera and Android Oreo 8.1 operating system. The phone will compete with the likes of Honor 9 Pro, recently launched Vivo V9 and Moto X4.
Oppo F7 Price & Launch Offers
The company has launched two variants of Oppo F7. The first one variant of Oppo F7 comes with a 4GB RAM and 64GB storage and is priced at Rs.21,990. The phone is available to purchase in Solar Red and Moonlight Silver colours. Secondly, the company has also launched the Special Edition variant of the phone. The limited edition of the smartphone is Oppo F7 Diamond Black and Oppo F7 Sunrise Red. These special editions of the phone come with 6GB RAM and 128GB RAM. Oppo F7 Special Edition Price in India has been set at Rs.26,990.
ICICI Credit card users will get 5 percent cash back if they buy the smartphone during the first flash sale that is going to be held on April 2nd. Also, users will also get free extra 120GB 4G data from Reliance Jio and up to Rs.1200 cashback. The company is also giving one-time screen replacement warranty.
Specifications of Oppo F7
Coming to the specifications of the phone, Oppo F7 comes with a 6.23-inches display screen. The display of the phone is full HD+ with a resolution of 1080×2280 pixels. The display is full-screen display with an aspect ratio of 19:9. The smartphone is powered by a 64-bit MediaTek Helio P60 octa-core and runs on Android Oreo 8.1 operating system with company-owned ColorOS 5.0.
The new smartphone F7 comes with 4GB RAM and 6GB RAM. The 6GB RAM is only in the special edition. The internal storage of the phone is 64GB and 128GB. The storage of the phone is expandable via microSD card up to 256GB. The smartphone has a battery of 3400mAh. At the back panel of the phone, there is a fingerprint sensor.
Talking about the camera specifications of the phone, Oppo F7 bears a 16MP camera at the back with f/1.8 aperture and AI screen recognition feature. For selfies and video calling, the phone has a massive 25-megapixel camera. The front camera of the phone comes with Sony IMX576 sensor and with f/2.0 aperture. The phone also comes with AI beauty 2.0 app.