Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s much talked Bollywood movie Padmavati featuring Ranveer Singh, Shahid Kapoor & Deepika Padukone recently released the trailer and received an epic response from the film industry and audience. The trailer itself revealed how much the lead actor & actresses have worked hard for their respective characters in Padmavati movie.
Have you ever wondered how much these Padmavati stars got paid for their role in the movie? So here we reveal the salaries of Padmavati actors/actresses including Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone.
Here’s what your favorite Padmavati movie characters are getting paid?
Check out how much Sanjay Leela Bhansali paid to Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor for playing their characters in the upcoming Bollywood movie Padmavati.
Padmavati – Jim Sarbh as Malik Kafur 70 lakh
Jim Sarbh will be seen as Malik Kafur in Sanjay Leela Bhansal’s Bollywood movie Padmavati. Malik Kafur has been the prominent slave of the Delhi Sultanate that has been ruled by Alauddin Khijli. Jim Sarbh has been paid Rs. 7o Lakh for his character as Malik Kafur in Padmavati movie.
Aditi Rao Hydari as Mehrunissa 85 lakh
Aditi Rao Hydari will be playing the role of Alauddin Khijli’s wife in the upcoming Bollywood movie Padmavati from Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Rao’s character has been named as Merhrunissa and has been salaried Rs. 85 Lakh to portray the role of the same in the movie Padmavati.
Shahid as Maharawal Ratan Singh 6 crores
Now comes to one of the important characters of the film Padmavati i.e Maharawal Ratan Singh which has been played by Shahid Kapoor. He was the last ruler of Mewar (earlier it was Medapata) as he was defeated by Alauddin Khijli. Shahid Kapoor got paid worth Rs. 6 crores to recreate the character of Rawal Ratan Singh in Padmavati movie.
Ranveer as Sultan Alauddin Khilji in Padmavati
And here comes the most talked about the character of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati who is Sultan Alauddin Khijli. Ranveer Singh who has captured the role of Alauddin Khijli has really worked hard over his character in Padmavati. And he even got a whopping amount of Salary worth Rs. 8 crores for his role in upcoming Bollywood film Padmavati.
Deepika as Queen Padmavati
And now its turn of Rani Padmini that has been characterized by Deepika Padukone. After Bajirao Mastani, Sanjay Leela Bhansali once again choose Deepika Padukone to play a historical character of Rani Padmini on screen in his movie titled as Padmavati. And for the same, Deepika Padukone earned an unbelievable amount of Rs. 11 crores for her role as Rani Padmavati in her next Bollywood movie Padmavati.
So, these are what your favorite actors and actresses got for their role in Padmavati. Now let’s see will the movie be so blissful as like its official trailer. Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati is all set to release on 17th November 2017.