5 Posh Sectors of Panchkula That Are Admired by Everyone

After Chandigarh, Panchkula was set up under the planned city concept. Panchkula city was segregated sector wise and was established with separate commercial and residential areas for the convenience of the people. Today, Panchkula has come in par with the Chandigarh and has really clean and posh sectors in its locality.

Talking about the posh sectors of Panchkula, we mean sectors that have huge kothis built on kanals of the plot, having basic amenities like shops and booths for daily needs, a public park, better power supply, better streets and street lights, a school for primary education and much more.

Read on to know which are the 5 posh sectors of Panchkula that have all the above-mentioned amenities for the residents.

Sector 6

Sector 6 of Panchkula is the poshest of the area with huge kothis / bungalows of IAS officers, Advocates, Businessmen, NRIs, Builders and Doctors built on the area of 3-4 kanals.  Sector -6 has the maximum of Haryana Government offices and general hospital, public parks with separate walking and running tracks. It also has an inner market and broader, cleaner and well-illuminated streets.

Sector 2

Sector- 2 is one of the posh sectors of Panchkula with well built modern and contemporary looking bungalows. This sector also has many government offices of Haryana and the residents here do not face any problem of power cut throughout the year.

Sector 8

While talking about the posh sectors of Panchkula, how can we forget about Sector-8? Plush surroundings, high-profile residents, the architect built bungalows and a full-fledged main and inner markets with all big brands make it an eye candy of Panchkula.

Sector 9

Adjacent to sector 8 is another posh sector 9 of Panchkula. With all domestic and international giants like Dominos, KFC, Fab India, Shree Ratnam, Pinelli, Titan, and much more, this becomes one of the poshest areas in Panchkula. The sector also has closer proximity to CBSE affiliated schools up to intermediate level, Modern Town Park, and Cactus Park.

Sector 4

This is one of the oldest and the poshest sectors of Panchkula that was planned and set up initially. Again this sector majorly acquires space by Haryana government offices and huge bungalows built in the area of 2-3 kanals.

Here was the complete list of posh sectors of Panchkula. Do comment and send us your feedbacks on this if we have missed out any sector in this category.

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Yamini S. Verma

A dreamer and a go-getter, this is how she defines herself. With seven- plus years of experience in Journalism, Yamini has worked with various publications in print and online. With an inclination towards photography, she dreams to go on around the world tour someday and capture the beauty of nature through her lens. You can write to her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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