Prem Kumar Dhumal has been finally chosen as the CM face for BJP in HP. Ahead of the assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh, BJP has announced the chief ministerial candidate against Congress party’s chief ministerial candidate Virbhadra Singh.
The Bharatiya Janata Party has announced veteran Prem Kumar Dhumal’s name as its chief ministerial candidate in Himachal Pradesh. Several speculations were being made prior to the announcement. There were numerous confusions and confrontations about the face but the party made the last minute change in the strategy.
Claimants of the Chief Minister position in Himachal Pradesh
As per the report, there were four strong Chief Ministerial candidates in the hill state for the upcoming assembly elections but the party finally announced Prem Kumar Dhumal’s name as its face for the position. The report also mentions that calculations were made on the drawing board and the party took feedback from all the party workers over last 10 days to finalize the name as its chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Himachal Pradesh assembly elections.
According to the report, the strong claimants for the post of Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh included Shanta Kumar, one of the strong contender from Kangra, BJP’s state president Satpal Satti was also a strong contender for the post, another contender was Ajay Jamwal, BJP’s organisational secretary for northeast, last option was Union health minister JP Nadda. Amid numerous speculations, the BJP party finally announced Prem Kumar Dhumal’s name who enjoys more popularity in the state.
Prem Kumar Dhumal’s strongest area?
Prem Kumar Dhumal, who has been named as BJP’s chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh, is one of the strongest BJP candidates in the hill state. There are more than several reasons as in why the BJP party chose Prem Kumar Dhumal as its face over other claimants in the polls.
It has been reported that Prem Kumar Dhumal, BJP’s face for the Chief Ministerial post in Himachal Pradesh come from lower Himachal. The Lower area of Himachal Pradesh has more assembly seats as compared to upper Himachal. Congress’ CM candidate Virbhadra Singh, also the serving Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh is a Thakur and keeping this fact in mind BJP chose Prem Kumar Dhumal who belongs to the dominant caste of Thakurs in Himachal Pradesh who are over 28 per cent of the state’s population.
The Himachal Pradesh assembly poll is scheduled on November 9. As per the report, the results of the assembly elections will be declared on December 18.
Source: Hindustan Times