The domestic carmaker Mahindra & Mahindra has been testing the upcoming TUV300 Plus for quite some time now. The recently spied images reveal that the TUV300 Plus is expected to be in the last phase of testing. With most of the features almost gone viral with the spied images that were taken during testing, in the latest update, the price of the vehicle has also been disclosed, much before the launch.
Price of 9-seater Mahindra TUV 300 plus revealed
According to the report, the carmaker may introduce the upcoming TUV300 Plus (9-seater, P4 variant) of the upcoming car at an inaugural price of Rs. 9.46 lakh rupees. Though the homegrown automaker has not yet officially revealed but it is being speculated that Mahindra may replace its MPV – Mahindra Xylo car with the upcoming car. The TUV is much similar to the 5-seater TUV 300 from the front as well as from the rear end. One of the major changes in the TUV 300 and the upcoming TUV 300 plus is the length, seating capacity, and engine power.
Features of the upcoming Mahindra TUV 300 plus
Though the new car is likely to share most of the features with the new TUV 300 plus yet the new SUV will get the different engine power and gearbox features. The new SUV is expected to carry a 2-liter turbocharged diesel engine, which will churn out 120 bhp and 280 nm of peak torque. The engine is likely to come mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox.
If the new vehicle from the Mahindra stable comes equipped with 6-speed gearbox, it is most likely to increase the mileage of the SUV. Earlier it was being speculated that the automaker might offer an option of automatic gearbox but the recent report rejects the claims. The new TUV 300 plus may not attract the prospect customers planning for a family car but will definitely draw cab drivers’ attention.
Launch of the new TUV 300 Plus
The report also claims that the new longer version of Mahindra’s existing TUV300, the Mahindra TUV300 Plus, is expected to get launched in the country early next year. The carmaker may unveil the TUV300 Plus at the upcoming 2018 Auto Expo in Delhi.
Source: NDTV