Anupam Kher was appointed the FTII chairman on the 11th of October by the Government of India. The government chose Anupam Kher as a replacement to the controversial Gajendra Chauhan whose tenure ended in March 2017. The Bollywood industry has been showering the actor with their best wishes with someone such as Subhash Ghai going to the extent that there could be no one better to head FTII. However, the students of the FTII (Film and Television Institute of India) in Pune do not feel overwhelmed. They have their own set of concerns and have penned an open letter to the new Chairperson Anupam Kher.
Why Do The Students Of The FTII Seem Worried About Anupam Kher?
The students of the prestigious institution FTII feel cheated on. They have accused the Government is trying to saffronise the institution by electing the people who follow the same mindset as of the right-leaning BJP party. The previous chair person of the Gajendra Chauhan had been appointed by the government without taking into consideration that he wasn’t qualified for the position. Now when Anupam Kher has been appointed the chair person of FTII by the BJP government the students are worried that it may not be due to his credentials but because of his open favouritism for the ruling government.
They agree that he is more than qualified to head something as big as the FTII but also point out that he runs his own acting school Actor Prepares. This is a direct conflict of interest between the FTII and Anupam Kher’s own personal motives. They have also penned an open letter to Anupam Kher about the problems of the FTII. They claim it has become a funding ground and has no intellect left to teach the students of various programmes. Anupam Kher has been very vocal about his support to the right-leaning BJP government. His wife Mrs Kirron Kher is an MP from Chandigarh.
Why Can Anupam Kher Still Be A Great Thing For FTII?
Anupam Kher is one of the most respected names in the Bollywood industry who has mastered the art of acting in his long career. He has been a part of a few Hollywood projects like the Silver Linings Playbook. With his teaching experience of more than thirty years, he has mentored a lot of students into the industry. He matches all the required credentials to head an institute the size of FTII. Also, he has been a chair person for the National School of Drama prior to the FTII in Pune.