Jalandhar, Punjab | In an incident that is being talked about over the internet, a woman cop of Punjab Police in Jalandhar has officially married another girl. This is same sex marriage and it is for the first time that a woman constable of Punjab Police that too is the town of Jalandhar has openly come forward and married a girl.
Punjab is famous for its big fat weddings. But this wedding in Punjab will bring smiles on your face. The wedding of Punjab Police female sub-inspector is breaking the records on social media websites.
The Real Big Fat Wedding
Manjit Kaur, Punjab police female sub-inspector got married to her partner who is also a woman. The real big fat wedding was attended by families, friends and love ones who came and made Manjit’s wedding celebration merrier.
As per reports, Manjit Kaur tied knots with her partner despite the fact that she was of the same sex. Same-sex weddings are considered a very deal in our country but the Punjab police sub-inspector has a made a bold decision by timing knots with someone she loves keeping aside the fact “What Will The Society Think”.
Happy Faces At The Wedding In Punjab
The best part of Manjit’s wedding was that the whole family was present at the wedding to celebrate the joy alongside the couple. There are still a lot of people who oppose same-sex marriages in India, but that was not the case at Manjit’s wedding in Jalandhar.
As per the report, Manjit’s marriage took place in Pucca Baugh in Punjab. The couple got married with proper Hindu rituals and Manjit’s colleagues from the force also attended their wedding in Jalandhar, Punjab.
Know More About Manjit Kaur And Her Wedding
Manjit was earlier working at the Central jail in Punjab and she is now at Kapurthala. Manjit wore a classy red turban at her wedding ceremony. The wedding took place with the blessings of the family members. However, Manjit’s partner’s name has not been disclosed. This is undoubtedly the best big fat wedding of Punjab and people on the social media websites also wished the newly-wed.
The fight for equal right for the LGBTQ community is on, there are a lot of people who still live with the fear of discrimination.
Apart from Manjit Kaur’s wedding, Shree Ghatak Muhuri was also in the news as it was the first time a transgender woman got legally married in West Bengal.
We Wish Manjit Kaur A Happy And A Prosperous Married Life!