Jobs numbers in Railway (RRB), UPSC and SSC Recruitment are continuously reducing from last few years. According to the written reply by Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Personnel in Lok Sabha in Last week on Wednesday, a total number of 1,00,933 were recommended for government jobs in different selection during the 2016-2017 as against 1,11,807 in 2015-2017 and 1,13,524 in 2014-2015. It is clearly seen in the figures that the numbers of candidates are lowering down each year passing. According to him, this is an overall reduction of candidates for all government jobs by various recruitment authorities.
Continous Fall in Job Numbers
In the year 2014-2015, a total of 1,13,524 candidates were recommended for the government jobs. The next year 2015-2016 there was fall of 1717 job numbers and it reduced to 1,11,807. Next year i.e 2016-2017 the job numbers once again falls by 10,874 and reduced to 1,00,933. The Minister also said that the Government of India does not have any proposal for unemployment allowance to all unemployed persons.
UPSC – According to the report presented by Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh in the Lok Sabha, in 2016-2017 UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) recommended 8272 candidates in 2014-2015, 6866 candidates in 2015-2016 and 5735 candidates in 2016-2017.
SSC – Similarly, in SSC (Staff Selection Commission), the jobs are falling yearly. In 2014-2015 SSC recommended 58066 candidates, 25138 candidates in 2015-2016 and 68880 candidates in 2016-2017. The year 2016-2017 seen a growth in job numbers in SSC.
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) – Just like the SSC and UPSC, job numbers are also falling in RRB. In the year 2014-2015, RRB recommended 47186 candidates. In 2015-2016 RRB recommended 79808 candidates and in 2016-2017 RRB recruited 26318 candidates.
Current Ongoing Recruitment Drives
Currently, Railway Recruitment Board has invited online application from candidates of India for various Railway Group C and Railway Group D posts. The online application process is underway and will continue till 31st March. Under this recruitment drive, more than 89000 posts are to be filled. Under the Railway Group D Recruitment a total number of 62,907 posts to be filled and under the Railway Group C, a total number of 26502 posts are to be filled by the board. The last date to apply for the railway Group C and Group D recruitment is 31st March.
Source – OdishaTv