Gurmeet Ram Rahim, chief of Dera Sacha Sauda appeared in front of a special CBI court at Panchkula to hear the decision on a 15 year old rape case. Lakhs of dera followers had gathered at Panchuka and stayed on road sides for over 3 days just to support their guru. Tens of thousands of police personnel along with special para-military forces, black cat commandoes, and army companies were deployed.
Punjab and Haryana are still under a curfew like situation. Road and rail services in Punjab and Haryana are also suspended.
Ram Rahim Verdict – Rape Allegations Proved, Arrested
If we talk about the court verdict on Ram Rahim, there were 2 options.
One was that Gurmeet Ram Rahim will be found guilty and the second was that he will be given no punishment from the court and be set free with due respect.
However, Baba Ram Rahim has been arrested. Everyone in Punjab and Haryana had their eyes on this big decision.
On Monday, 28th August, the decision will come as if how much years will he have to stay in jail.
Security in Panchkula & Dera Followers
Army has taken over Panchkula city. However, the Dera followers have started to disperse from Panchkula in a peaceful way. Dera followers are unhappy about the decision but they have said that we’ll obey the judgment.