Land Rover has launched the much awaited Range Rover Velar in India. The new range Rover Velar is launched at a starting price of Rs.78.83 lakh going up to Rs.1.37 crore for the top variant. The All new SUV from Land Rover is launched in 2 litre petrol and diesel variants along with a 3.0 litre diesel variant.
The Range Rover Velar shares its underpinnings with the Jaguar F Pace SUV. The company has started accepting bookings for Range Rover Velar at dealerships while the deliveries will begin by January 2018. Velar has joined the Range rover family and sits right between the Range Rover Evoque and Range Rover Sport.
Range Rover Velar Engine Specifications
Range Rover Velar has been launched with three engine options. First is the 2.0 litre turbocharged diesel engine that generates 180PS power and 430 Nm torque. Second is the 3.0 litre V6 diesel engine that produces 300PS power and 700 Nm torque. The V6 diesel engine claims a pick up of 0-100 kmph within 6.7 seconds. The petrol variants are powered by a 2.0 litre engine that generates 250PS of power and 365 Nm of torque. All the three engines come mated with eight-speed automatic transmission units.
Range Rover Velar Design and Features
The front grille of Range Rover Velar looks similar to that of Range Rover Vogue and the headlamps look like the sleeker version of headlamps on Range Rover Sport. The premium SUV is featured with a new design interior with two centrally fitted touchscreens. One screen serves the Touch Pro Duo infotainment system and the other one serves the functions like climate control and the terrain response system. The interior of the Range Rover Velar is also available in two options. Customers can opt for standard leather interior or the cooler microfiber interior.
Range Rover Velar is a sign of sophisticated design, luxurious interior, hi-tech features backed by a powerful and efficient engine. The premium SUV from Land Rover is likely to compete with Porsche Macan, Audi Q7, BMW X6, Mercedes-Benz GLE and Volvo XC90. Range Rover Velar is also expected to take on the likes of Jaguar F Pace and Land Rover Discovery.