RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 Result Declared Online | Here’s How Normalised Scores Are Calculated

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 Result has been declared online on the official website of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) online. The aspirants who had applied online for the vacant posts of Assistants released in 2017 by the Bank to be recruited via the RBI Assistant Recruitment online Exam 2017 is out now. The RBI Assistant Prelims Exam was held on November 26, 2017 as an objective type of exam to screen in and shortlist candidates for the next level. The result of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 can be checked online, read the gist of the official RBI notification declaring the result of the same online here.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 Result Declared Online | Here’s How Normalised Scores Are Calculated

The prestigious conducing authority of the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 both prelims and Mains test adopt a complete devised strategy to arrive at the scores of the online exam. The scores used to form the merit list of shortlisted candidates declared as the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 result of the prelims test are calculated after carrying out ‘normalisation of marks’ of all the candidates who take the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017.

The equalised scores or Z-score or normalised scores are then used to formulate the result of the online recruitment test conducted by the RBI for the recruitment process so as to equalise the difficulty level of the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 as a fair evaluation criteria in marking the exam. The normalised scores are calculated and equated on a pre-decided base form by plotting a distribution curve or graph of all the marks in all the forms in the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 Result | Check Official Notification & Mains Exam Date

The candidates who have qualified the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 are now eligible to appear for the Mains exam scheduled in December 2017 only by the RBI for the final recruitment of Assistants in 2017. The aspirants can check the result by following the simple steps mentioned herein. Click ‘Complete Guide To Check Result Online’ of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam 2017 result here.

The aspirants can also download the admit cards of the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 whose result of the preliminary test is now available for the candidates to check online most tentatively from the next week onwards. The admit cards cum hall tickets of the RBI Assistant Recruitment Mains Exam scheduled on December 20, 2017 shall be available a week prior to holding the exam which is the second week of Dec 2017 only.

Wishing all the candidates who have cracked the RBI Assistant Recruitment Exam 2017 Prelims test all the best for the Mains exam !

Source : RBI


Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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