Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone priced at Rs 500 phone is ready to be launched in India on July 21. After creating a buzz in the Indian telecom industry, the brand is offering 4G features at a unique price as an upgraded handset to all the Reliance customers who are still using a 2G phone. The brainchild of Reliance Industries Ltd., Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE enabled feature is ready to be rolled out into the market along with new tariff plans.
Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone specs & price
It is speculated that Reliance Joi 4G VoLTE feature phone will come is scheduled to be launched in different phases. The company is estimating that over 10 lakh handsets of Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone will be sold off in its first phase of the launch. In fact, these 4G VoLTE enabled feature phone will be marketed under Lyf brand while Reliance Jio and Reliance Retail stores will hold its selling rights. Here below are the specifications of Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE enabled feature phone-
Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone, which is priced at 500 sports Qualcomm and Spreadtrum processors and had a 2.4-inch of display screen. The phone handset will be powered by 512MB of RAM with 4GB of internal storage capacity and will be an intergrated handsets for the mobile phone users with less capacity to spend. Its 2-megapixel rear camera along with VGA front camera will be an add on for the users. The device will also support Wi-Fi and GPS.
Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone release date
Reliance Industries Ltd. has already performed all the tests on its Jio 4G feature phone at Chennai centre, which will now release on July 21. It is also speculated that the other upcoming variants of Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone will be ranged between Rs 1300 to 1800. The Reliance 4G phone with VoLTE enabled feature will massively disrupt the dynamics of the Indian mobile market. The other rival mobile phone brands like Micromax, Gionee, Lava and Oppo have also launched the range of 4G feature phones but are priced at over Rs 3,000. Reliance Jio 4G VoLTE feature phone not only aims at offering their customers a better experience but a seamless network of connectivity and improved talking device at the price of peanuts.
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