Reliance Jio has launched another offer for its 4G users and this time, the company is giving 20% additional 4G Jio data absolutely free of cost to selected users. We guess everyone would be up to get this free 20% additional Jio data.
However, this new plan to get 20% more Jio 4G data is only available to people who have Lyf Handsets. So, to cut short – anyone using a Reliance Jio 4G SIM in selected LYF smartphone is eligible to get 20% more data.
How to get 20% More Reliance Jio 4G data
To be a real deserving candidate for the complimentary data as a Reliance Jio 4G user, you’ll have to purchase a Lyf phone priced between Rs. 6,600 and Rs. 9,700. The offer is only valid on Lyf handsets purchased after June 9, 2017. The list of phones eligible for the free Jio 4G data include:
- Earth 1
- Earth 2
- Lyf Water F1S
- Water F1
- Water 1
- Water 7s
- Water 8
- Water 10
- Water 11
- And Wind 4s.
As per the company instructions, after purchasing the Reliance Lyf handset, the customers have to insert their Jio 4G SIM card in their handset. By doing so, their extra data will be credited in a period of 24 hours. Not only this, the phones will be gifted with 1 year of extended warranty.
Lyf Smartphones & Jio 4G Plan
The company has offered the Lyf handset offer for Reliance Jio users on a rolling basis until March 31, 2018. The only thing required to get 20% more data on Jio 4G Sim is to purchase recharge packs of Rs. 309 or Rs. 509. By purchasing Rs. 309 Jio recharge pack, 6GB of extra data for the month in addition to the standard 28GB will be credited. Whereas for Rs. 509 Jio 4G recharge pack, users will get 12GB extra on top of the standard 56GB. The consumers are provided with the additional data for a maximum of six times between the time of buying the handset and March 31, 2018.
Surprisingly the Reliance Lyf brand of phones had zoomed to the top 5 smartphone vendors in India in Q1 2016, as reported by Counter Point Research. So, if you are already using Jio 4G and planning to buy a smartphone, you can surely think about Lyf as an option to get 20% additional data.