Here is India’s very own Reliance Jio, the telecom giant turning one and celebrating its first anniversary. Last year, Reliance launched its 4G service Jio as their pilot project across India. On, that every day Reliance Industries Ltd introduced their Jio SIM to consumers and till date Reliance Jio has set a benchmark for its competitors in the Indian market.
Reliance Jio 4G internet service
Reliance Jio that started its 4G internet services on September 5, 2016, grew with tremendous speed that it has made its hold in the Indian telecom market. With free 4G mobile internet services and free voice calls, Reliance Jio made a revolutionary move and flipped the business strategies of other telecom and mobile internet service players including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL and Aircel. Not only the mobile phone services but within a span of one year, Reliance Jio has come up with the WiFi service called JioFi and broadband service, Jio Fiber, which has brought the entire nation by storm. The unique thing about all the three Jio services of mobile phone internet, WiFi and broadband are their rates and plans.
Reliance Jio has come up with unbelievable offers and data plans, which includes Rs 309 that comes with 1GB for 56 days for 2 months, Rs 349 comes with 10 GB/per month for 2 months and Rs399 offers 1 GB/Day for 84 months.
Reliance Jio’s latest launch: 4G VoLTE feature phone
After the success of Reliance Jio mobile phone internet services and data plans, the company has recently launched its 4G VoLTE feature phone JioPhone at just Rs 500. The Reliance JioPhone started its pre-booking online merely for 1 day on August 24, this year and it touched 6 million.
The demand for Reliance Jio 4G phone was so much that the company got delayed in delivering the phone sets to the buyers. Now Reliance is planning to resume its pre-booking for Jio 4G phone this week as the delivery of the Ist phase of the bookings will begin from September 21.
It is true that with the introduction of the Reliance Jio mobile internet services and broadband came the nightmares to Airtel, Idea, Vodafone, Aircel and BSNL. The project, Reliance Jio which was just started as an A/B testing in the telecom market of India, made the entire nation its fan. We once again wish the Reliance Jio a very happy first birthday and anticipate more such offers to come from them.
Cheers to Reliance Jio !!!