RRB Recruitment 2018: Railway Recruitment Control Board has released fresh vacancies of Trackman posts for the year 2018. Recently RRB has announced new vacancies regarding the post of Trackman in Indian Railways in 2018. Whereas the interested and eligible candidates can apply for the same on or before the last date i.e 15 October 2018.
Earlier to the same, Railway Recruitment Control Board has also been going on with the recruitment process for multiple posts for 2018. With the all-new Trackman posts for Indian Railways in 2018, check out the application process, eligibility and selection process for the same below.
RRB Recruitment 2018: Vacancies and Eligibility Details
Railway Recruitment Control Board has announced a total of 2600 vacancies to be filled in Indian Railway in Trackman post-2018. Although the posts have been released under the northern railway division. In 2018 only, RRB has received almost 2 crore applications for 90,000 posts under Group C and D. As of now as well, Group C and D exam has been going on for the year 2018.
Railway Recruitment Board now has been recruiting for Trackman posts to be filled in Northern Railways for the year 2018. Interested candidates are allowed to fill the application form only till the last date i.e 15 October 2018. As after the last, no applications will be entertained by the RRB for the Trackman post recruitment 2018 in Indian Railways.
Application & Selection Process for the RRB Recruitment 2018
Interested and eligible candidates for the Railway Recruitment Control Board planning to apply for the post must have to keep some points in mind- one must be around 65 years, also the candidate must be a retired person, even the Board will check the last 5-year service records. Whereas the selected candidates will be posted in the Moradabad region.
Selection for the RRB Recruitment for Trackman post will be carried out via written exam and further by checking the experience of the candidates for the year 2018. More information regarding the RRB Recruitment has been available on the official website. Even the candidates are requested to keep a regular tap on the same for updates. We wish all the luck to the candidates applying for Trackman post under Railway Recruitment Board 2018.