In one of its kind initiative in the city beautiful Chandigarh, Red cross society has come up with a project of providing food at just Rs. 10 to the needy people. Taking it one step forward, DC of Panchkula has given green signal to the scheme and launched the same in Panchkula as well. With the ‘Antyodaya Aahar Yojna’, Panchkula has been declared as the first district of Haryana to feed the needy at the most economical price. The scheme was announced in Panchkula on the Republic day 2017.
The best thing of the initiative is, it has not been funded by Government, the whole project is carried out by the funding of social and religious organisations.
Rs. 10 Food Scheme, Panchkula:
For the food scheme, a temporary kitchen has been set up in the gaushala at the Mata Mansa Devi Complex. And the kitchen is fully equipped with necessary machines that are used for cooking purposes. Be it chopping of vegetables or kneading dough for the chapattis, all the work is being carried out through machines.
- An amount of Rs. 50 lakh have been spent for the setting up of the kitchen.
- The Kitchen is fully equipped and vehicles are also been put up for the scheme.
- Each food packet consists of 150 gm of vegetable, 6 chapattis and pickle.
- Food packets have been delivered in 3 different places in the evening i.e- Majri Chowk, Industrial Area in Abheypur and wherever weekly mandi has been put up.
- As of now 550 packets are being distributed, but the figure is expected to cross 1000 number in few weeks.
In the coming months, a permanent kitchen set up will be built in the Mansa Devi Complex for the same scheme. And soon biogas plant will also come up in Mansa Devi to save the cost of cooking gas.
Motive Behind the Scheme
The main motive of the scheme is to provide labourers and needy people with the appropriate food, who do hard physical work and get exhausted at the end of the day. It aims that cheap, hygienic and nutritious food can be given to them at very economical price of just Rs. 10 when they are left with no energy to cook it.
It’s really a very kind initiative and we hope this could be followed in more areas of India so that no one sleeps without food in our country.
Image: The Tribune