Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has released the official notification and invited online applications from the candidates for the post of Operator cum technician posts and Attendant cum Technician posts. All the candidates who are interested to fill the applications form are advised to read the official notification and then fill the application form if they are eligible. Here are the important details regarding the SAIL Recruitment 2018.
SAIL Recruitment 2018 – All Details
As per the official notification released by Steel Authority of India Limited, the application form filling process for the technician posts has started online from 15th November 2018. The last date to fill and submit the application form online is 14th December 2018. All other details regarding the correction and tentative exam date for written test will be communicated through admit card.
The application fee for the post of Operator cum technician post (trainee) is Rs 250 for General and OBC category. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PWD category candidates. For the post of Attendant cum technician (trainee), posts is Rs 150 for General and OBC category. No fee for SC/ST category and PH candidates.
Candidates who want to fill the application form will have to fill the form online only. The candidates can apply online on the SAIL website. The link is available on the IISCO Steel plant section of the Career page of the website. Only online mode of application will be accepted and no other mode of application will be accepted.
As per the official notification released by Steel Authority of India Limited, there are total 126 vacancies for the post of Operator cum technician posts. For the General Category candidates, there are 64 vacancies, for SC 28 vacancies, for ST 7 vacancies and 27 vacancies for the OBC category. Candidates up to the age of 28 years can fill application form. For OBC upper age limit is 31 years and 33 years for SC/ST.
For the post of Attendant cum technician posts, there are total 30 vacancies in SAIL. For the General category, there are 17 vacancies. For SC category, there are 6 vacancies. For the ST category only 1 vacancy and for OBC category 6 vacancies. Candidates up to the age of 28 years can fill the application form. For OBC upper age limit is 31 years and 33 years for SC/ST.