SAIL Recruitment 2019: Steel Authority of India Limited has invited applications for the recruitment of Trainees in the year 2019. Recently SAIL rolled out an official notification regarding the recruitment of Trainee Engineer for the year 2019. Interested and eligible candidates for the trainee recruitment can apply online via the official website till the last date i.e 9 February 2019.
SAIL in the last year as well has gone through numerous recruitment drive for multiple posts. Whereas in the year 2019, SAIL has come up with a new recruitment drive for trainee post. Check out vacancies, important dates, eligibility, application and selection process for SAIL Recruitment 2019 below.
SAIL Recruitment 2019: Number of Vacancies and Important dates
Steel Authority of India Limited has released an official notification on the official website and has invited application to fill up trainee post in the year 2019. According to the official website, SAIL has invited application for a total of 153 posts to be filled in the year 2019. Here are the details of vacancies for SAIL Recruitment 2019- Attendant cum Technician, Operator cum Technician (Trainee), Fire Engineer, BLaster, Jr. Staff Nurse (Trainee), Jr. Medical Technologist Trainee and Pharmacist (Trainee).
SAIL will start the application process for the recruitment from 19 January 2019. Whereas the last date of the SAIL application process will be 9 February 2019. Other than these important dates, SAIL will confirm the release of admit card and exam date regarding the same soon on the official website. Aspirants can check out the eligibility details on the official notification itself.
Application and Selection Process for SAIL Recruitment 2019
Interested and eligible candidates for the SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited) Recruitment 2019 can apply via online mode only through the official website i.e After the opening of the official website, one has to go through the career head in the home page only. Before filling the application for the SAIL Recruitment 2019, one has to make sure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria.
Whereas the selection of the candidates for SAIL will be carried out on the basis of written exam. Steel Authority of India Limited will release the schedule soon for SAIL Recruitment exam 2019. Till the time, applicants are requested to keep a regular tap on the official website for instant updates.