State Bank of India (SBI), the government-owned corporation, has changed the IFSC code (Indian Financial System Code) of over 1200 SBI branches in India. As per the report, State Bank of India has changed the SBI IFSC code names of over 1200 SBI branches in the country. All the SBI bank consumers will now need to fill in the new IFCS codes of their bank forms while doing any financial transactions.
Here is the list of some of the SBI branches IFSC code names to complete financial transactions through the digital mode.It has also been reported that State Banks of India has also published the complete list of the IFCS codes on its official website for the ease of the SBI consumers.
SBI IFSC codes of over 1200 branches changed
India’s largest bank, SBI (State Bank of India), in a major move, changed the IFSC code names of over 1200 SBI branches in the country. According to the report, SBI has changed the IFSC code, names and also the codes of about 1200 SBI branches in India. This alteration also includes the bank branches that were recently merged with the government-owned corporation. SBI has already put out the complete list with the required details of all the branches whose codes, names and IFSC codes have been changed.
SBI IFSC Codes in these states have been changed
In a major move, India’s largest bank, the State Bank of India (SBI), changed the IFSC codes in addition to the change in names and codes of over 1200 SBI branches in the country. In the move, SBI also changed the names, codes and even the IFSC code of the banks which recently got merged with SBI recently.
For the convenience of the consumers, State Bank of India has already published the complete list of the all the branches whose codes and names have been changed. It has been reported that the codes and names of the branches that have been changed are located in Chandigarh, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Patna, Jaipur among other few states.
Make sure you are entering the right IFSC Code, Name and Bank Code
With the change in the code, name and IFCS code of the specific branches of the bank, the consumers would now need to be more careful while making financial transactions digitally. It is advised to check the changed branch codes and names before doing any transaction with any of the branches the names and codes of which have been recently changed.
Source: Financial Express