SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017 has begun via an officially released notification inviting online applications from interested and eligible candidates for the SBI Officer Recruitment Test 2017. The selection of the well-deserved candidates for the SBI officer vacancy 2017 shall be made via conducting a recruitment exam by the State Bank Of India for the year 2017.
Aspirants of the SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017 can check the official notification and detailed advertisement on the official online website of the State Bank Of India at www.sbi.co.in online.
SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017 | Check Exam Pattern
The recruitment of Special Cadre Officer by the SBI for the year 2017 shall be carried out via an online written exam followed by a personality test cum interview for candidates applying for the post of Deputy Manager Law in the SBI. The SBI recruitment test for this officer post shall have three sections of ‘Reasoning’ & ‘English Language’ of 70 and 50 questions each which shall be of 90 minutes duration. The third section of ‘Professional Knowledge’ shall comprise of 50 questions of 100 marks total to be completed in 45 minutes as a part of the SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017.
Candidates shall have the choice to choose the mode of language in the SBI officer recruitment test 2017 and the first two sections shall be of qualifying nature which means candidates need to score minimum cut-off marks in the section to qualify the exam. Although, no such restriction on the third section of Professional Knowledge test has been imposed by SBI in the Special Cadre Officer Recruitment exam 2017.
SBI Officer Recruitment 2017 | Check Exam Date & Selection Procedure
The tentative date of conducting and scheduling the SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer 2017 test shall be October 11, 2017 for which the online application procedure has already commenced. Moreover, candidates can send the requisite documents along with the online form for the SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer posts till October 10, 2017.
As far as the selection procedure for the post of Deputy General Manager (Law) in the SBI Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017, the selection of the right candidate shall be made on the basis of the shortlisting of candidates followed by a personality test cum interview. There is no written exam for this post vacant with the SBI.
The Recruitment of Special Cadre Officer for 2017 has varied selection procedure and criteria for both the posts and candidates are re-iterated to go through the detailed advertisement again for details.
Source : SBI