SBI SO Recruitment 2018: State Bank of India has invited online applications from the candidates for the post of Specialist Cadre Officers. SBI released the official notification for the same this month and started the online application for hiring Specialist Cadre Officer on 15th May. All interested candidates who want to apply for the post of SBI SO can apply online on the official website. Here are the full details of SBI SO Recruitment 2018. Check all details here.
SBI SO Recruitment 2018 – Important Details
The online application process for the post of State Bank of India SO post started on 15th May 2018. the last date for the online application for the post of SO in SBI is 2nd June 2018. Candidates who want to apply for the post for SBI SO are advised to fill the online application form on or before the last date.
Vacancies: There are total 13 posts in SBI. These vacancies are for the Regular Basis and Contractual Basis. For the Regular basis, there are total 3 posts. Regular Posts are for HR Specialist (Recruitment) – 01 post, Internal Communication Specialist – 01 Post and HR Specialist (Manpower Planning) – 01 Post.
For the Contractual Basis, there are total 10 posts. These posts are as follows – Banking Supervisory Specialists (BSS) – 03 posts, Circle Defence Banking Advisor – 05 posts, Defence Banking Advisor (Army) – 01 post and Defence Banking Advisor (Para Military Forces) – 01 post.
SBI SO Recruitment 2018 – Age Limit & Education Qualification
Age Limit: At State Bank of India, for the post of HR Specialist, the age limit is 32 to 35 years. For the post of Internal Communication Specialist, the age limit is 27 to 35 years. For the post of Banking Supervisory Specialist, the age limit is 55 to 65 years. For the post of Defence Banking Advisor, the maximum age limit is 62 years and for the post of Circle Defence Banking Advisor, the maximum age limit is 60 years.
Education Qualification: For the post of HR (Recruitment) in SBI, the minimum education qualification is MBA with specialization in HR/PGDM. For the post of HR (Manpower Planning), the minimum education qualification is MBA with specialization in HR/PGDM with specialization in HR and for the post of Internal Communication Specialist, the minimum education is MBA/ Post Graduate degree in Marketing/ Mass Media/ Finance/ Commerce.