As per the media reports, another shocking incident of attempt to murder has surfaced in Chandigarh. There have been many shocking incidents reported in Chandigarh and Mohali. Recently, an FIR was registered stating that Pavneet Singh, a 30-year Tattoo Artist was attacked by a group of youngsters at his home on 14th November. The FIR was registered on accounts of an attempt to murder and House trespass along with other IPC sections. Safety has become one of an issue in the city. Where cases of trespassing have reported continuously, there the cases of rape, murder, and cars burning have risen from last year. Be it thefts, murders, acid attacks, trespassing, Chandigarh has been in highlights for long now.
30 Years Tattoo Artist Attacked At home in Chandigarh
Chandigarh has been really dripping down in the ocean of unexpected and shocking incidents nowadays. As per the recent media reports, a 30 years old tattoo artist, Pavneet Singh was attached at his home by a group of youngsters with sharp weapon and Kirpans. As per the reports, the victim has been admitted to Hospital and has suffered a severe leg fracture.
This incident evidently took place on Monday that is 14th November when a group of young guys broke into a house carrying sharp weapons and kirpan to hurt Pavneet Singh, a Tattoo Artist. 5 young guys have been booked by Chandigarh Police under the IPC sections 307 that is Attempt to Murder and 452 that is House Trespassing.
After questioning, Police reported that there was a property feud between the attackers and victim that led to this incident. As per the media reports, the attackers have been arrested and the victim has been admitted to the Phase 6 Civil Hospital in Mohali. The victim was seriously injured and sustained a critical fracture in his leg.
The safety has become a concerning issue in a city like Chandigarh. Police and Chandigarh authorities must do something about the safety of people. According to the police, the reason for the attack was the property issue between the attackers and victim. 5 attackers have been arrested under attempt to murder and the case has been filed.
Source – nyoooz