SSC CGL 2017: Staff Selection Commission has released an official notification regarding the marks of the candidates in the SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam 2017 Tier 2 on its official website. The Commission has uploaded the marks of all candidates who have appeared in tier 2 of the SSC CGl exam 2017. Candidates can check the marks of the SSC CGL 2017 Tier 2 on the official website. Here are the full details.
SSC CGL 2017 Tier 2 Exam Marks Uploaded on SSC Website
Staff Selection Commission has uploaded the marks of 148446 candidates who have appeared in the SSC CGl Tier 2 exam 2017. Candidates can check the marks on the official website from 11th June to 10th July. The official website to check the marks for the SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam 2017 Tier 2 is http://ssconline.nic.in/sscmarksmodule.
How To Check: Candidates can check the SSC CGLE Marks of Tier 2 exam on the website. To check the marks of the CGLE exam 2017 Tier 2, candidates will have to enter the registration id, roll num and password on the website. Here are the steps to check the SSC CGL Marks of Tier 2, 2017:
First of all candidates will have to go to the official website or alternatively, candidates can check the marks directly here on this address http://ssconline.nic.in/sscmarksmodule/
– A new page will open. Select the Examination name
– Now Enter the Roll Number or the Registration number
– After entering the roll number, enter the password and then enter the text shown in the image.
– After entering all the details click on the submit. The marks will be displayed. In case if you have forgotten the password then you can generate the password by clicking on the Generate Password.
SSC CGL 2017 Result of Tier 2
Staff Selection Commission declared the result of the SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam Tier 2 on 6th June. The Commission released the result in three lists. The Staff Selection Commission will be conducting the SSC CGL 2017 Tier 3 exam in the month of July. The CGL Tier 3 exam date is 8th July 2018. Check your SSC CGL 2017 result Here – SSC CGL 2017 Tier 2 result
All the candidates who have qualified the Tier 2 of the SSC CGL 2017 exam will appear in the SSC CGL 2017 Tier 3. Based on the performance of the candidates in the SSC CGL Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3, candidates will be called for the SSC CGL Tier 4.
SSC CGL 2017 Tier 2 Exam Marks