SSC CGL 2018 | Last Date Extended and SSC Makes More (Amendments) to Official Notification

SSC CGL 2018: Staff Selection Commission has made some changes in the official notification for the SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam 2018. SSC released a new notification regarding the changes in the CGL 2018 notification which was released on 5th May. Here are the changes that Staff Selection Commission has made in the notification. Check it out.

Staff Selection Commission Makes Changes in the CGL 2018 Notification

In the new notification, Staff Selection Commission has made 6 changes. The first four changes in the CGL 2018 notification are Nature of Physical Disabilities permissible for the post and the last two changes are for the Age Limit Relaxation for the Group B Posts (Para No 5.3 Code 7 & 8 of the official notification).

In the Para No. 2.1 of the official SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam Notification, Staff Selection Commission Changed the Nature of Physical Disabilities permissible for the post from OA, OL, OAL, HH & OL, HH to OA, OL, OAL & HH for Inspector (Central Excise), OL, HH to OA, OL, OAL & HH for Inspector (Preventive Officer). OL, HH to OA, OL, OAL & HH for Inspector (Examiner) and BL, OL, PD, D, PB, B, OA to OL, OA, BL, OAL, B, LV & HH.

(OH-Orthopedically Handicapped, OA-One Arm affected, B-Blind, LV-Low Vision, PD-Partially Deaf, OL-One Leg affected, OAL-One Arm and one Leg affected, BL-Both Legs affected, D-Deaf, PB-Partially Blind, HH-Hearing Handicapped.)

Staff Selection Commission has also made changes in the age relaxation for the Group B posts (Para No.5.3 & Post no 7 & 8). For Post no. 7 the age relaxation is changed to omitted from 5 years and for post 8, the age relaxation is changed to omitted from 10 years. For more details Check SSC CGL 2018 official notification.

SSC CGL 2018 Online Application Closes on 4th June

For all those candidates who haven’t applied for the SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam 2018 yet are advised to apply as soon as possible as the last date is coming near. The last date for the application process is 4th June. After June 4th, candidates won’t be able to apply for the CGL exam 2018. To recall, the online application process for the CGL 2018 exam was started on 5th May.

Read – After Problems in Website, SSC Extends Last Date for SSC CGL 2018 | Check New Date & Apply Online

Update – SSC CGL Last date Extended

Taking into consideration, the glitches faced by students in filling the application forms of SSC CGL 2018, the commission has extended the last date to fill online applications by 1 day. Now the candidates can fill applications till 5th June up to 5:00 PM and the offline fee for the same can be deposited by 7th June. Official notification for the same is available on

.More from SSC CGL 2018

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A believer in 'less talk and more work', Sushant is a geek and gadget freak. A content analyst, strategist, graphic designer and a blogger. To follow his posts and stay updated, you can reach him at
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