SSC that is Staff Selection Commission has released the notifications for the SSC JE 2017 exam. Every year, SSC conducts the JE exam for the recruitment of Junior Engineers for multiple engineering fields. After closing of the application window, all the registered candidates are desperately waiting for the admit cards. Admit card is one of the most important documents that a candidate has to carry while appearing for the exam. Without Admit card one will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
SSC JE 2017 Admit Cards to be Out This December
Staff Selection Commission has closed the window for applications for SSC JE 2017 on 17th November. According to the latest information and reports, SSC will soon be releasing the Admit card for the exam to all the registered candidates of SSC JE 2017. As per the notifications and media reports, SSC JE 2017 admit card will be releasing the admit card to all the registered candidates by December 2017. Although there has been no specific date released for the SSC JE 2017 Admit cards or even for the exam.
Steps to Download The Admit Card For SSC JE 2017
Once, the admit cards are released on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission for SSC JE 2017 then all the candidates who have applied for the exam can download the admit cards through the official online portal. A candidate can easily download the admit card by following few simple steps. Firstly, all the candidates are required to go to the official website of the SSC that is ssc.nic.in. Once, the candidate lands on the official page of the site, he is required to click on the link displaying ‘Admit Card’. On clicking the link a candidate will be redirected to the page where he or she is required to click on the link ‘SSC JE Paper I Admit Card’, a login screen will pop up where a candidate is required to enter the DOB, Registration number and click Submit.
Once, a candidate is logged in, he or she will be redirected to the page displaying his or her admit card. Before you go ahead and download the admit card of SSC JE 2017 and print a copy of it, it is prudent that you go through the details thoroughly and submit the application for correction if any information is wrong.
Admit card for the SSC JE 2017 exam will be released in the month of December.
Source – SSC