SSC JE Exam 2016 Paper-2 result & marks of candidates have been released online. The marks have been declared post the declaration of the result of the SSC JE Exam 2016 on December 15, 2017 on the official SSC website at online. Aspirants from various engineering disciplines like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quantity Surveying & Contract etc. who took the prestigious SSC JE Exam 2016 can check the notification online. The SSC JE Exam 2016 aspirants can check both the result declared in the form of merit list of shortlisted candidates along with the marks of all the candidates online now.
SSC JE Exam 2016 Paper-2 Result & Marks of Candidates Released
The official notification released by Staff Selection Commission online declaring the SSC JE Exam 2016 Paper-2 result and marks of the candidates is readily available on the official website of the SSC online. The Commission has uploaded the pdf file of the marks of the candidates in a subject wise manner of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contract individually to avoid the chaos in checking the marks scored by them in the Paper-II of the SSC JE Exam 2016.
The marks scored by the individuals in the SSC JE Exam 2016 recruitment test have been declared for both the Papers i.e. SSC JE Exam 2016 Paper-1 and Paper-2 in a tabulated format along with mentioning the medium in which the SSC JE Exam 2016 paper was attempted by the candidate. This has been done to ensure ‘transparency’ in the result declaration system adopted by the SSC along with its just and fair evaluation criteria in marking the SSC JE Exam 2016.
SSC JE Exam 2016 Marks of Candidates Out | Here’s How To Check Online
The marks secured by the aspirant of the Junior Engineer Recruitment Exam conducted by the SSC for the vacancies introduced in 2016 can be checked by the candidates easily by visiting the aforementioned official website of the Commission online. The candidates can check the pdf format of the uploaded document declaring the marks in the SSC JE Exam 2016 online. The aspirants shall have to click on the ‘Notices’ section on the SSC homepage and further select the SSC JE 2016 exam wherein the recently declared marks of candidates on December 19, 2017 onwards in a subject wise list mentioned. Candidates can further select their subject from Civil, Mechanical. Electrical, QS & C etc. and check for his/her name by using the command, ‘CTRL+F’ and type the initials of their names to check the scores online.
The details of the next round up and steps available for the SSC JE Exam 2016 post the result & marks declaration have also been released. Keep updated and visit the following link for official sources.
Source : SSC