Let’s admit it, everyone wants to look fabulous. When you walk into a room, few heads turning to give you a quick ‘Wow’ is definitely a booster. Even if not a ‘Wow’, ‘You look good’ is very important. And, it is required everyday! Not just women, even men find the need to look tidy and groomed always (most of the days, to be honest). But, what we do not realize is that looking good and even fabulous every single day is extremely important. Apart from fashion and style, grooming has a lot to do with personal hygiene, self-confidence and personality. Here are some quick tips to help you know how to stay fab throughout the day. Get started right away!
Eat right and sleep tight
The primary step to not just looking fabulous but to staying healthy is to eat right and sleep tight. Make it a habit to consume vegetables and fruits every day. Grab a fresh fruit when you have time to multitask and remember to keep yourself hydrated. Water is good, but an occasional green tea, fresh juices, and tender coconut do an even better job. They cleanse your system and give you a whole lot of energy boosters to help you feeling fresh all day long. Do not forget that the facts about beauty sleep are true. Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep works wonders on your skin, hair, and overall mental and physical health.
Face is the index of the soul; true that. A pleasant and clear looking face is very important to stay young, healthy and happy. Rough, dry and dull skin, acne and pimples, and other skin problems will pull down your confidence and drag the whole day around. Go in for a good facial once in a month, or opt going one at home! Do not skip on this. A clear and healthy skin is the foundation to looking fabulous.
Eyebrows that are trimmed and waxed arms, legs and arm pits are a must. Be regular with grooming.
Before you step out of the house, make sure your hair is at its best. Here are some quick bits on hair care for everyday.
- Take measures to tackle hair loss, dandruff, dull hair, and other hair problems. Invest in the best hair oil to give your amazing hair.
- Say no to split ends, trim your hair once in three months. Get a good hair cut, even something bold that would make you look stunning.
- Wash your hair every other day with a mild shampoo followed by a good conditioner. This will ensure that your hair is smooth, healthy and washing gives you a clean scalp.
- Decide your style for the day. Plan ahead on what hairstyle you would be sporting for the day and prep your hair for it.
- Spread on some hair serum before styling, always! Hair spray to set your hairstyle is a must. Do not forget to carry along your hair spray and hair serum for quick touch ups if the need be.
- Before you step into the bath, you can do wonders to your skin with a short oil massage. Choose a good essential oil for your body- olive oil, coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, any other ayurvedic oil. Run the oil over body concentrating on elbows, heels, knees, ankles, toes and fingers. Leave this on for 10 minutes and then shower. Your skin will glow within few days of doing this daily.
- Post bath, quickly dab on a good body lotion (all over your damp skin). If you have dry skin, get a small bottle of a gentle body lotion and keep it handy.
- Deodorant and perfume should become your lifesavers. Carry them along.
- The best advantage of everyday care is, you can avoid a whole lot of expense. Before you step out, take a look at your finger and toe nails. If they look unkempt, file them and paint them.
- Dark and bold colours for toe nails best and natural and mild colours for your finger nails.
- Get a manicure and pedicure at home once a week. Scrub, exfoliate, cut, file, moisturize, that’s it!
- For your face, exfoliate once a week with a scrub. You can do this daily if you choose to use a natural scrub- gram flour with milk does the magic. Gently exfoliate lips as well to keep them soft and pink.
- Follow this up with your regular face wash.
- Post face wash, dab some rose water on face or use your toner. Follow this up with a face serum and face cream or lotion (one with an SPF is better!).
Dress up
- Pick the right set of clothes for the day wisely. Make sure your inners are in line with the outfit.
- Your clothes should be just about the right fit.
- Wear colours that complement your undertone and the season.
- Always pair up with accessories that match. Earrings, neck piece or chain, watch, bracelet, coolers- don’t miss out on anything. If wearing a hat is going to look fab for that pretty skirt you will be wearing to the beach today, grab one!
- What is your look for the day? Something neutral or something bright for a party? Learn to wear makeup and learn it right.
- Use a small amount of foundation to stay fresh all day long, and be sure to choose the right foundation. Follow it up with just the right quantity of setting powder or compact, a little blush to add oomph and some nude lipstick or bold lippie depending on the plan for the day.
- If your lips tend to dry out, your hand bag calls for a lip balm or lip gloss.
- Eyeliner, kajal and little mascara can make a whole deal of difference to your eyes. Forget not to wear them.
Heels or flats
Select the right footwear that matches your outfit. Most importantly, the one you are comfortable in.
Hope these small changes to your everyday routine will make a difference to the way you look and carry out yourself. Even if you are just going to relax on the lounge today, remember, a deodorant, neat pair of pajamas and well-combed hair is enough to make to feel fab in no time!