Superstar Punjabi actor, Diljit Dosanjh to soon be seen sharing screen with sizzling Sunny Leone in a Bollywood movie. Yes, it’s true that Punjabi gabru Diljit Dosanjh is all set raise the heat along with Sunny Leone. Currently, the actor is busy in the promotion of his upcoming Bollywood movie Soorma which will release on 13 July 2018. After, the release of the same Diljit will resume the shoot for the upcoming movie with Sunny Leone.
Recently Diljit Dosanjh won the hearts of his fans with the trailer and the first song ‘Ishq di baajiyaan’ from Soorma. Now the amazing news is out that, he will share the silver screen with bold and beautiful Sunny Leone.
Sunny Leone & Diljit Dosanjh to be Seen together on Screen in Movie
Diljit Dosanjh and Sunny Leone will soon appear on the silver screen altogether to sizzle in the upcoming movie. Not only Diljit, but the movie will cast Kriti Sanon and Varun as well. Yes, you guessed it right, the Bollywood movie is none other than ‘Arjun Patiala‘. After Soorma, Diljit Dosanjh has been scheduled up for ‘Arjun Patiala’ schedule to be released in September 2018.
Recently a report stated that Sunny Leone will also be a part of the movie ‘Arjun Patiala’ starring Diljit Dosanjh. It’s a sure shot news that Diljit and Sunny will share a screen and rock it with their performance in Arjun Patiala.
Sunny Leone & her ‘Arjun Patiala’ Character with Diljit Dosanjh
Cheers Diljit Dosanjh fans, Sardarji will now romance Laila in Bollywood movie Arjun Patiala. Although it will not be a much bigger role of Sunny Leone. Likewise in most of the Bollywood movies like Raees or Baadshaho, Sunny Leone will do a special appearance in Arjun Patiala and it will be a song with Diljit Dosanjh. The dancing number of Arjun Patiala featuring Sunny Leone will be shot in Mumbai in the first week of July only. Whereas the track will be choreographed by Vijay Ganguly and the look of the beauty has not been revealed yet.
For sure we can’t wait to see Diljit Dosanjh and Sunny Leone together in Arjun Patiala’s untitled song.