Tata Motors has launched limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown in India. As per report, the limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown has been launched in India at Rs 12.18 Lakh (Ex-showroom). Limited number of the Limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown has been manufactured by Tata Motors and it will be available in two packages – the Indulge pack and the Absolute Pack.
Limited Edition Tata Hexa Downtown launched in India
With the launch of limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown Urban Edition, Tata Motors is all set to strengthen its Hexa range of lifestyle SUV. The Tata Hexa Downtown has been designed keeping the luxurious side of the Tata Hexa in mind. The SUV takes the on-road capabilities of the Tata Hexa and combines them with the requirements of a lively and vibrant urban lifestyle customer.
The limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown has been designed to offer the consumers a pumped adrenaline driving experience. Tata Motors has introduced the urban edition of its successful SUV – Tata Hexa.
Two packages of the limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown
As per the report, the limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown will be available from November 3 onwards. Furthermore, Downtown – the limited edition of SUV Tata Hexa will be available in limited numbers. The limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown will be available in two packages. It has been reported that the new limited edition of the SUV will be launched in Absolute Pack and the Indulge pack. The Downtown range of the Tata Hexa starts from 12.18 lakhs for the XE variant.
The Tata Hexa has been one of the sturdy contenders in the country in the SUV segment and posses distinctive on-road and off-road capabilities. Since launch, the Tata Hexa has changed the face of Tata Motors. Tata Hexa has witnessed a strong grip in the market since the launch of the SUV in India. The launch of Tata Hexa Downtown will further strengthen company’s position in the segment.
Limited edition Tata Hexa downtown also gets new colour
The new limited edition Tata Hexa Downtown will also get a new colour. As per the report, Tata Motors has included a new ‘Urban Bronze’ colour to the existing Hexa SUV range.
The Limited edition Tata Hexa gets bold chrome accessories across the body. Besides the stylish and luxurious appearance, the Tata Hexa Downtown gets the ultimate off-road DNA. Some of the features in the limited edition Hexa Downtown include Wireless Charger, Blaupunkt rear seat entertainment player, premium tan seat covers, Heads-up display with Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) and other attractive features.
Source: News 18