The SSC CGL examination is held nationwide at various centres under the respective regional offices of the Commission and every year large number of candidates register for the exam. The time limit for SSC CGL 2017 exam has been reduced by 15 minutes.
SSC CGL 2017 Exam
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has started online registration process for its Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam, which is held every year for graduates and witnesses huge response from government job aspirants. SSC CGL 2017 is one of the much-awaited examinations of the year. The last day to make registrations online for the candidates who are willing to appear for the exam is today i.e. 16 June, 2017.
SSC CGL 2017 – Time Limit Reduced
There are major amendments in the scheme of SSC CGL 2017 exam. As per new guidelines, the time limit of Tier-1 Exam is reduced by 15 minutes. The duration of Tier-1 Exam will now be 60 minutes only. (100 Questions / 200 Marks). Previously the exam duration was set at 75 minutes.
The time duration of Tier-2 and Tier-3 Exam remains same and there is no change in SSC CGL syllabus .
The 15 minute reduction in timing of SSC CGL exam will impact the cut off of Tier-1 Exam, which has risen from 102 to 137 in 2016 CGL Exam. SSC CGL 2017 cutoff is expected to be lower as candidates will get less time to attempt same number of questions.
New Post Introduced
SSC has been following a trend of removing and Introducing New posts in CGL Exam. In 2016, SSC had introduced a Gazetted post of Assistant Audit Office in Indian Audit and Accounts Department under CAG and this year, it has also introduced some new posts viz
1) Assistant Accounts Officer (Gazetted) in Indian Audit and Accounts Department under CAG with Grade Pay: Rs 4800
2) Assistant in Other Departments / Organizations
3) Assistant in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SIFO)
Apart from the addition of these posts, SSC has removed the post of Compiler from this year’s CGL posts.
New Cities Added to SSC Exam Centers
SSC has added seven new cities, to the list of center list. Here is the List of Cities, that are added as Examination Centers for SSC CGL 2017
1) Ahmadnagar (Maharashtra)
2) Alibaug (Maharashtra)
3) Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
4) Behrampore (Odisha)
5) Vijaywada (Andhra Pradesh)
6) Warangal (Telangana)
7) Nizamabad (Telangana)
Salary Hike
SSC has increased salary for few posts. There has been increase in Grade Pay and Overall Gross Salary. These are the posts, for which there is an increase in Salary from grade pay of 4200 to 4600.
1: Sub Inspector – CBI Department
2: Inspector of Posts-Dept. of posts
3: Inspector- Narcotics department.
Age Limit Increased
SSC has fulfilled the long pending demand of SSC Aspirants candidates to increase the age limit. As per the revised Age Criteria, All the Group B posts having Pay Grade of Rs 4200 and Rs 4600 will have their Age Limit increased by 3 years.
SSC CGL posts are now open to all aspirants under age of 30 years. There are more than 20 posts for which upper limit is not exceeding 30 years and few posts are limited to Age group of 18 to 27 years or 20 to 27 years.
The SSC CGL 2017 Aspirants can keep them updated about the SSC changes, in Pattern, Schedule or Scheme of Examination on
Latest SSC Update
Last Date for SSC CGLE Exam Application Extended Till 19th June 2017 – SSC CGL Notification