When the school year or the college semester ends, you are left with a bunch of textbooks that you no longer need and sometimes, keeping them does not make any sense. On the other hand, trying to sell the books when you have no idea where to sell or even how to start the sale process can be extremely difficult. If you have a bunch of books that you cannot seem to get customers for and are wondering how to sell, here are some tips which you will find very useful in comparing and selling them.
Go online
The days of walking to the nearest local bookseller and trying to see if they can take in some of your books are long gone nowadays, if you want to handle your book sale like an expert, you have to go online. There are hundreds of sites where books are listed and sold, which might be a little bit confusing to you. However, when you learn to differentiate between the good sites and the rest, you will have a simpler time making your sale. Here are some of the ways that you can tell that a site is trusted for the sale of textbooks:
· Check out their reviews: this will show you what other people who have sold using their website feel about their process. It will also show you what their customers feel about the books which they have bought, and the popularity will determine how fast you get another buyer.
· Sites where the books are listed on a long term are usually better than the auction sites because with the auction site, you will have to relist the book if the time lapses before someone expresses interest in your book. Also, if you rely too much on the auction site, you will not get the price that the book is worth because the market determines the possible cost.
When you have assessed the websites and you have narrowed down to the few that you think can help you make a quick sale, you can move on to the next step which is getting your book listed.
Capture the important data
The biggest mistake that people make when they are trying to sell a book online is that instead of capturing crucial data about their books, they concentrate on photos and other inane details. When listing a book, ensure that you include the ISBN number, the title of the book and if there are many editions of the same book, the edition number. These are the details which will help the buyer determine whether this is the book that they were asked to purchase for their course or not. However, this does not mean that getting clear pictures of the book is a wasted gesture, as a matter of fact, there is no better way to show the seller that the book is in perfect condition than to take really good quality photos of the same.
Find out about the shipping fee and return policy
Before listing a book on any site, you have to make sure that the shipping process will not cost you any extra charges. Read the terms and conditions which are given by the site and figure out if the shipping is free. In case it is not free, you will know how to factor in the cost of shipping into the amount that you ask for the book when listing it. You also need to find out if the company has a return policy. If the book were to be sent to a person and then they decide that it is not exactly what they are looking for, or that the condition is not what they wanted, will the site cater for the shipping back process, will you have to repay the buyer or what will be the process?. Here, the best sites to work with are those that have a strict return policy because you do not want to end up in a situation where you have to keep paying money back for minor and inconsequential issues with the books that you are selling.
Ease of the sale process
Another crucial point to think of when selling the book online is how easy the seller makes the book sale process. There are sites which go to the extra mile of even creating an application that their users can download and access all the latest books which have hit their shelves. At the same time, others just do the bare minimum and hope that customers will somehow come. You need to list your book on a site where the advertisement process is rigorous because this means more visibility for your books, which ultimately means that you will make a sale as fast as possible. In addition to the advertising that the bookstore offers, try and see whether there are other ways that you can increase the visibility of your book. If the website allows links to be posted in blogs and social media pages, do a little of your own advertising.
Those are the qualities that you ought to look for when assessing and deciding on the best site to sell your book. It is essential to take time, do your due diligence and ensure that you list your books on a site that has a good reputation as a book sales tool, and also allows you to get maximum profit from the sale process.