With the launch of Moto X4 in India Motorola brings back the X series in India. Moto X series was abandoned when the company launched the Moto Z and Moto Z Play smartphone. Now once again Motorola bring backs the X series with Moto X. Moto X comes with glass and metal design. Moto X4 is a mid-range phone that comes with an octa-core Snapdragon 630 processor with Adreno 508 GPU. Here are the top features of Moto X4 that makes it different from all other phones in this price segment.
IP68 Rating on Moto X4, That Makes it Dust & Water Resistant
The new phone Moto X4 comes with IP68 rating dust and water resistant. This is top class standard when it comes to phones. In this price segment, this IP68 feature is rarely found. In iPhone 8, there is an IP67 rating which is less than the rating of Moto X4. So in terms of IP68 rating, this phone is the best phone. The IP68 rating means that if the phone is dipped or dunked in water up to 1.5 meters for 30 minutes, then there is no need to worry about the harms on phone. So it is water resistant and can be used easily in rain too.
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Bluetooth 5.0 Technology on Moto X4
The next Big thing in the Moto X4 smartphone is the Bluetooth 5.0. The phone comes with the ability to connect up to 4 Bluetooth headphones and stream audio simultaneously at all at one time. This feature is best when you have to connect 3-4 speakers in one time to play loud music in a party or in any function.
Dual Rear Camera at Back on Moto X4
Dual Rear Camera’s on a smartphone has now become a trend and it is nicely followed by Motorola. The Moto X4 smartphone comes with a dual rear camera setup on the back with 12-megapixel primary sensor and with an 8-megapixel secondary sensor. With this camera setup, it will be easy to capture images with depth of field effects.
Glass Back Design of Moto X4
Glass back Body design with an aluminium frame, this is not a line but the design of Moto X4. This is the first smartphone of Motorola that comes with Glass back design aluminium frame. With this design, the phone looks classy and slim. The display of phone comes with a pixel density of 424ppi and is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass protection.
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Quick Look on the Specifications of Moto X4
Moto X4 has a display of 5.2 inches with a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels. The display of the phone is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass Protection. The phone is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 630. The phone has 3GB/4GB RAM variant with an internal storage of 32GB/64GB. It runs on Android Nougat operating system. The phone has a dual rear camera at back with a 12MP primary sensor and 8MP secondary sensor. The front camera of the phone comes with a 16MP camera. The battery of the Moto X4 is 3000mAh.
Source – India Today