Uber, the famous cab aggregators, and providers are continuously trying to improve their services for both the riders and the drivers. Recently, the Uber has presented a more convenient and easier way of communication for the riders with drivers without having to share the contact number.
Uber Announced the In-App Chat feature, This Monday
This Monday, the ride hailing company, Uber came out with the announcement of launching the feature of in-app chatting feature with the motto of making the communication between the drivers and riders easy and convenient. With this app not only the riders will be able to communicate with drivers to know their location but the two parties can communicate without sharing the contact numbers.
This Chat facility built in Uber App is designed to allow the two parties to chat with one another over company’s own messaging service.
Know More About Uber’s In-App Chat Facility Launched in India
The launch of In-App chat by Uber has many interesting features that are embedded with the clear aim of easing the communication between the rider and driver. This application was launched in India, this Monday by Uber. The best part about this feature is that it will allow the riders and drivers to talk to each other without disclosing the phone numbers, that they would have been forced to do if they used any third party messaging app for instance Whatsapp.
With the use of this new feature riders and drivers will be able to see if the other person read the message and will be able to share the exact location. Not only India but Uber broke this news to several markets earlier this month.
This feature is built into the application and is set to appear on the main page when the rider books the ride. Now, with this new feature, you will not have to leave the application to talk to your driver or vice-a-versa. This feature is implemented with the motto of making the process more safe, smooth, cut cost and easy.The feature is built within the app and appears on the main page when a rider books a cab. Uber riders and drivers would not need to leave the Uber app to talk to each other, the company said, adding that it expects the in-app feature to cut costs and be faster.
Upcoming Features to Expect From Uber
After announcing and introducing the new feature of in-app chat feature, Uber also promised to introduce many interesting features in the upcoming time. As per the recent announcements, Uber is planning on introducing the feature that will allow people to select the multiple destinations in a single ride. All the customers will just have to click on ‘+’ icon next to the destination box and that will enable them to pick multiple stops on the same route. Adding on, the cab company Uber also specified that no rider should take more than a 3 minutes stop.
Both these Uber features are under process, therefore Indian users will enjoy these features soon. Also, as per the information, the feature of in-app messaging was in testing for past few weeks in India and with gadgets 360 staff members seeing the feature in their apps.
Source – NDTV