Uber has launched its bike sharing service in Noida and Ghaziabad on Friday. Uber bike sharing product “UberMoto” is launched to provide last mile connectivity to its riders in NCR region. UberMoto is already available in Gurugram and Faridabad, now its turn for Noida and Ghaziabad to avail Uber Bike Service.
UberMoto will provide a pleasant ride to its customers at affordable pricing. Riders can book a ride through Uber app and will need to pay an affordable price being as low as Rs 10. Now Uber will be available in seven cities Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida, Ghaziabad, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Ahmedabad. Not only this Uber is successfully running its Bike Service abroad in Vietnam and Indonesia.
UberMoto-Bike Service
Uber has completed its successful one year journey in the country. With this special achievement, Uber has launched Bike sharing service in Noida and Ghaziabad. It is an economical means of commuting within the city. Riders need to book their ride through Uber app and can avail the service with fare being as low as Rs 10.
Riders who book UberMoto will receive details about the bike. UberMoto product will come with safety features like two-way feedback, GPS tracking and ability to share ride details with family and friends. Uber launched its new product UberMoto to provide an affordable and hassle free travel. Bike sharing service will save the time and money of riders. Thus, travelling with UberMoto will be an affordable, easy and quick way to travel around the city.
Uber in Noida & Ghaziabad
Uber has completed its one year in the country in July and made over 2 million trips during its one-year time span. Uber is already providing with bike service in five Indian cities being Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Faridabad and Ahmedabad. Now Uber has added up to more cities to its UberMoto- bike service list being in Noida and Ghaziabad. Though as of now Uber is providing the bike sharing service in certain areas of Noida and Ghaziabad and in future expand these services to other areas in coming months. Uber CEO said that the launch of UberMoto was made possible by the support of the government. The launch of UberMoto will resolve mobility issues of residents of the city and will create economic opportunities.
Source: Economic Times